The Highway has a new forum! Created especially to serve refugees of the ever-growing exodus from Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, ExCharisma began years ago as a YahooGroups e-mail loop. I am delighted to report that the forum has been granted it's own space here on the Highway.

The purpose of the ExCharisma forum is twofold:

First, it is to be a safe haven for those who have fled from the noise and manipulation and uncertainty of the Charismatic movement but aren't sure where to go from there. We will help one another answer the question, "What now?"

Second, it is to be a place where folks from non-Charismatic backgrounds can learn how to help former Charismatics function in "traditional" churches. Most Protestants have little idea of what Charismatic movements have become. No longer just benign enthusiasm and non-traditional worship with tongues-speaking tied on. If you're a non-Charismatic churchgoer and that's what you think, you need to read this forum too!

