In the aftermath of ExCharisma's recent, ahem, burst of activity, my thoughts have turned back to my former charismatic days. Frankly, I don't miss those days one bit. I remember all too well the spiritual ups and downs. Sure, the ups could be plenty exciting--a healing, a dream, a prophecy, etc.--but in between the ups I had to contend with constant cravings for more of God. It seemed that no matter how much I got, the more I wanted!

Since leaving charismaticism, how liberating it has been to learn that I don't need anything more than what God gave me in Christ. Why, I have forgiveness of sins, eternal life, adoption into God's family, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and much, much more! Oh, there's some parts of this wonderful package that I can't open yet, such as a glorified body that knows neither sickness nor pain, but everything that's not mine now will be mine some day. What good thing could God possibly add to what He's already given me?

How foolish, then, this charismatic craving after more, more, more! With all due respect, my charismatic friends, we have no interest in any more of God than we already have. To be sure, we wish to better know Christ through the Scriptures, and we wish to gain greater victory over remaining sin, etc., but what are such blessings but the further revealing of what we already possess in Christ?

So, away with your so-called "second blessing"! Away with your "still small voice"! We have Christ, and in Him we have all things, so we have no need for your trifles.

Complete in Him,