My purpose for posting this, is I am trying to check out how accurate the following is.

I was involved in a discussion where a person who believes in the doctrines of grace, accused non-Dispensationalists of treating Dispensationalists “worse than cultists”. This came right after I had said that John MacArthur in a conference threw non-Dispensationalists under the bus. In fact so much so that many (including Samuel Walden) said the A-millennialism MacArthur was railing against was not even recognized by those who were A-millennial. Here is a Youtube video for those who have not heard MacArthur on this.

This person went onto say that he could school me on this subject and said in no uncertain words that MacArthur did not misrepresent my position at all. He said the problem is, MacArthur spoke about old school A-millennialism and today’s contemporary A-millennialists should not be mistaken for the old school Amils. Then he made three points on this aspect.
1. Old school amillennialism teach that the millennium is the period of time between Jesus first and second coming with Jesus reigning over the hearts of God's elect on the earth ( Saint Augustine) 2. Another teaches the millennium is between the period between Jesus first and second advent with Jesus reigning with believers in heaven ( Anthony Hoekema ) 3. Variation of that teaches the millennium is the intermediate state ( BB Warfield ) .

2. There are different opinions with respect to Israel's national salvation . 1. Some like William Hendrickson taught a future national salvation of Israel prior to Jesus second coming 2 . While some like John Calvin and Oswald Allis denied a future salvation for national Israel .

3. Most are historicist and some are partial preterist .

Much of the claims againist MacArthur are really over terms he used and not details of amillennialism. While of course a misrepresentation can take place however amillennialist themselves tend to be hypocrites when they generally misrepresent premillennialism in general and dispensationalism in particular. By the way , it is very common for some meathead reformed people to claim dispensationalist deny the gospel and are not Christian. You blind yourself to what usually goes on in discussions over eschatology. Things are never one sided on that .