Why the surprise?? shrug There are notable people on both sides of this matter of Christ's impeccability. My view is grounded in The Creed of Chalcedon, in particular that one must not and cannot confuse the two natures of Christ; divinity and humanity. Thus I believe that Christ in His humanity was grievously tempted by Satan and the world... yet He CHOSE to reject all those temptations vs. Adam who gave in to the temptation of Satan via Eve. Further, as I stated above, the Lord Christ was fully human no less than Adam who by creation possessed posse peccare (ability to sin), non posse peccare (ability to not sin) but not non posse non peccare (not the ability to never sin). If Christ was incapable of sinning, then it would render any alleged temptation, test, or trial mute. In short, temptation would be akin to water running off a duck's back and thus such texts as Matt 26:38,39; Lk 22:44; Heb 4:15 would be virtually meaningless. The Lord Christ accomplished for me which I would not nor could not do having been born with a corruption of nature; aka: Total Depravity/Total Inability.

FYI, I am more than familiar with the basic tenets of hermeneutics. Further, I most assuredly understand the matter of semantics. And, I have most all of Robert L. Dabney's works in my personal library. And lastly, I have my own copy of Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich which is well worn. wink

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simul iustus et peccator

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