If what I studied about slavery is correct, there is the kind called "man stealing" that we see Ex. 21:6; or "slave traders" in 1 Tim. 1:10.

It is my understanding and this comes also from a number of Reformed writers as well. That the slave trading and ownership that was happening in America in the 1700s and 1800s, is not the same as we saw Paul talk about concerning Onesimus and his owner Phliemon. In Philemon 1:10. “I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, who became my son while I was in chains”.

From my studies, in Paul's day, someone could buy themselves into slavery to pay debts, or to care for their families. Col. 4:1 Paul advises slave masters to treat their slaves fairly. Which Paul also says similar things in Eph. 6:9. Eph. 6:6-9 gives instructions to Christian slaves. My understanding is also that in Paul's day slave ownership was close to what we see in employer, employee relationship we have today.

It has been a while, but a while back I did a fair amount of research on this subject; which I saved in Word. Unfortunately, I lost everything when my computer crashed and even where I tried to get it fixed , they told me they were unable to get my Word files back. So I am relying on memory now. It was not the slavery of other eras based on kidnapping and racism, which Scripture abhors (Ex. 21:16; Gal. 3:28).

In America, can we honestly say that they slavery in the 1700s and 1800s did not involve "kidnapping and racism"?

One of the things I remember, is that many slave owners during the 1700s and 1800s justified being slave owners by using verses such as the ones I gave above. Reading some of what some Reformed people said about this however, they basically said that they were not justified in doing so.

During the times of slavery, there were a lot of people who were trying to abolish slavery;on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Many of them of the Reformed faith and even John Newton, the writer of the hymn 'Amazing Grace' was as well. John Newton was also an ally of an English politician name William Wilberforce, who headed the parliamentary campaign against the British slave trade for twenty years until the passage of the Slave Trade Act of 1807.

I also did a bit of research on what CH Spurgeon said about slavery and found quite bit. However the following really stood out.
“I do from my inmost soul detest slavery . . . and although I commune at the Lord’s table with men of all creeds, yet with a slave-holder I have no fellowship of any sort or kind. Whenever one has called upon me, I have considered it my duty to express my detestation of his wickedness, and I would as soon think of receiving a murderer into my church . . . as a man stealer” (Pike, The Life and Work of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, p. 331).

As a reply, many in America replied some pretty strong words about Spurgeon.

Here are a few published comments from different parts of the country:

Florida: Spurgeon is a “beef-eating, puffed-up, vain, over-righteous pharisaical, English blab-mouth.”
“A Southern Opinion of the Rev. Mr. Spurgeon,” The New York Herald (March 1, 1860).

Virginia: Spurgeon is a “fat, overgrown boy.”
“The Great Over-Rated,” The Daily Dispatch (August 17, 1858).

Louisiana: Spurgeon is a “hell-deserving Englishman.”
“Spurgeon on Slavery,” The Bossier Banner (February 24, 1860).

South Carolina: Spurgeon is a “vulgar young man” with “(soiled) sleek hair, prominent teeth, and a self-satisfied air.”
“Spurgeon and the Lady,” Charleston Courier (June 15, 1858).

By the way, I totally agree with you we no longer have "systemic racism" in either Canada or the USA. It is a ploy that the cultural Marxists use for their cause and people buy into it. Racism or as I like yo call it ethnic prejudice does occur and I do not think we as Christians should deny this. The basic difference is how we deal with it. It is a battle between two opposing world views, that unfortunately some Christians don't recognize and often think that the ideas from the CRT (Critical RaceTheory) can be used alongside Scripture as a tool. The CRT, can not be used as a tool, because it is completely incompatible with Scripture.


Last edited by Tom; Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:41 PM.