I scored 122 I guess I am not hard core libertarian enough although I skate near the edge. However, a friend of mine scored 86 and he is always supporting the libertarian view. So he was surprised at my score and his. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/rofl.gif" alt="" />
What frustrates me about these tests in the American context is that they almost universally ignore the federal system of states. There are several things that I wouldn't necessarily mind on the state or local level that I think are insidious at the federal level.
I tell you, this man went down to his house justified.
Well, I scored a whopping 44; hardly what you would call a hardcore Libertarian. In fact, I'm not even sympathetic to that philosophy/platform. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/rolleyes2.gif" alt="" />
I suppose that's my Austrian economics and anti-Federal government (several great-great-grandfathers <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/gramps.gif" alt="" /> fought for the Confereracy <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />) viewpoint showing through.
"Libertarian" is not necessarily the same as "Libertine". In fact many Libertarians are where the Republicans USED to be until about WW2, or until the death of Robert Taft. I mean in being for a smaller, less intrusive government and little or no US intervention on other countries's affairs.
If I read you correctly you've expresed frustration at some of Canada's recent quasi-socialist leanings. You may be more Libertatian than you think! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
"Libertarian" is not necessarily the same as "Libertine".
I'll admit that I haven't read any "official" documentation which states the Libertarian Party's ideals, goals, philosophy, etc. My knowledge of Libertarianism has come solely from people who claim to be Libertarians. And, with very few exceptions, if there were any, all have been very "base" individuals; i.e., immoral, anti-God, extreme left-wing, individualistic; aka: Post-modernists. Now, whether or not they are truly representative of Libertarianism in its present state as opposed to what it may have been pre-WWII, you can judge. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
And you read me correctly re: my lament over this country called Canada and its socialism, anti-Christian, anti-God extremism.
"And you read me correctly re: my lament over this country called Canada and its socialism, anti-Christian, anti-God extremism."
I tend to agree with you on that, however I do know a lot of socialists who are Reformed believers. I think however, that their problem is that they don't understand what the logical conclusions of socialism are.
Socialism is something that to me is quite hard to put a finger on just exactly what it stands for. It appeals to the emotions in a way that would seem logical. After all at least on the surface anyway, it looks like it has the best interests of the people at heart. Christians with socialist leanings of course are against a lot of the immoral things (i.e. abortion, homosexuality etc...) that are generally associated with socialist policies. But they are for the socialist form of government.
I have never been able to adequately explain to my Christian brothers and sisters why they should reject socialism out right. Perhaps you or someone else could help me with this aspect, so next time the topic comes up, my thoughts wouldn't be so jumbled. I ask for a favor however, that if you answer that query that it would be done in a manner without emotion. From experience, I know just how much emotion a topic like this can bring.
In case you have missed it, I do not believe in a socialist form of government, even if it didn’t attract immoral things like abortionists, homosexuality etc. For one thing, I don’t think there is any way to make socialism sustainable.
What I meant to state was that the REPUBLICAN party used to be for smaller government until WWII. Now whatever the situation is at the grassroots, at the national level they seem to have no problem with big government as long as their favorite special interests are feeding at the public trough - i.e. Capitalism for the average citizen, Socialism for big corporate donors.
It seems that Christians have to put up with unsavory, ungodly elements no matter what political party we may choose to participate in.