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Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:57 PM
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Are there specific truths about christ and his death that must be preached in a gospel message ? Do we need to be specific about who christ is and what and for whom his death was for ?
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beloved57 said: Are there specific truths about christ and his death that must be preached in a gospel message ? Do we need to be specific about who christ is and what and for whom his death was for ? Here's a down and dirty answer..... read these two articles: 1. A Gospel Summary2. The Old Gospel and the NewOR... if you want more, go here: Articles on Evangelism
simul iustus et peccator
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First, Christ should be preached in a gospel message. Second, it is impossible to say everything about Christ--even in a lifetime. Some texts more than others relate more to Christ and his Kingdom, or character, attributes, et. al. and thus in those you would definitely preach more about Christ. In others though you will reveal how they relate to Christ, but expound upon what the text states ..... Third, we must be careful and not overlook the simplicity of such a message as is given in Acts 2. Maybe there ought to more messages like this. Lastly, we have some excellent articles on-line concerning this. Enjoy
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Thanks, acts 2 is an excellent starting point, because I see preached in that sermon, the deity of christ( acts 2:34,35), election( acts 2:36) and limited atonement,(acts 2:39) Gods foreknowledge and predetermine counsel (sovereignty). ( acts 2:23) So you see, the first sermon seems to be full of foundational gospel truth...
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Thanks for the resources..But do you think deity of christ ,election ,particular redemption , God`s sovereignty, sovereign grace should be included in a gospel presentation ?
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Acts 2 is an example of only "one" sermon. Ministers though are to preach the whole counsel of God. This cannot be done in one sermon. Thus, different sermons will, if biblical, emphasize different topics. As in contrast to Peter in Acts 2, Paul emphsized: 1 Cor. 15:1 Now I make known unto you brethren, the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye received, wherein also ye stand,
2 by which also ye are saved, if ye hold fast the word which I preached unto you, except ye believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 and that he was buried; and that he hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures; Then we need to contrast these to the ones Jesus taught; The Sermon on the mount, etc.
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Whatever you preach just remember that the brain can only absorb what the rear end can endure. That is, about 30-45 minutes total and the average attention span is getting shorter all the time. Its important to structure your messages so that you can get it all in--not easy to do.
Josh "...the word of God is not bound."--2 Timothy 2:9
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doulos said: Whatever you preach just remember that the brain can only absorb what the rear end can endure. That is, about 30-45 minutes total and the average attention span is getting shorter all the time. Its important to structure your messages so that you can get it all in--not easy to do. Some can endure longer because they have lazy boys in their cemeteries, excuse me, churches. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/giggle.gif" alt="" /> (all jokes aside, please note though that as long as the sermon is relevant it doesn't matter "to me" how long it is ...preaching conferences last 3 or so days and are great ... I guess some just can't "suffer" for Jesus <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/drop.gif" alt="" />).
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beloved57 said: Thanks, acts 2 is an excellent starting point, because I see preached in that sermon, the deity of christ( acts 2:34,35), election( acts 2:36) and limited atonement,(acts 2:39) Gods foreknowledge and predetermine counsel (sovereignty). ( acts 2:23) So you see, the first sermon seems to be full of foundational gospel truth... Methinks it is important to distinguish between "Gospel", meaning the whole counsel of God, i.e., all that God's Word teaches, and "Gospel", meaning in the very narrow sense, a message that deals specifically with the salvation of sinners. And even then, "Gospel" in the narrow sense encompasses a great deal of information. Today, it would appear that many, if not most, have the mistaken idea that to preach the gospel means that you must squeeze everything into one presentation. And consequently, since this is nearly impossible to do, the "dumb-down" process began. In just about every single case, the result is a distortion of the Gospel at best and just plain untruth in most cases, e.g., the infamous "Four Spiritual Laws"! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/puke.gif" alt="" /> One rarely finds Paul or any of the other Apostles or Disciples giving a "full presentation" of the gospel in one sermon, other than Acts 2. But even there, we are not sure if what is recorded is the entirety of what Peter preached. And, it should be realized that the audience to which Peter preached was far more knowledgeable about the true nature of God, His commandments, prophecy concerning the Messiah, etc., all of which in our day is virtually non-existent among the populace. Each of the elements that comprise the "Gospel" could alone be expounded on for great lengths. Volumes of books have been written on them and in some cases, one aspect of those elements, e.g., the extent of the atonement. One doesn't need nor should one attempt to create the proverbial "canned speech" which would be the "perfect Gospel presentation". There are just too many variables involved, e.g., time allotted, audience, place, and other circumstances which will and should determine what a person communicates to another, whether an individual or group. In His grace,
simul iustus et peccator
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Thanks for your respond. I think the audience does not make a difference because the gospel is the same to the jew first and also to the greek. I would imagine philip spoke to the ethiopian eunech from the jewish scriptures! Now I agree that a gospel presentation may take more than one setting as in 1 cor 3 , one plants one waters and so on, but if the recipient is regenerated fruit will be borne ! As far as the simple truth , 1cor 15: 1-4 is the gospel in a nut shell if you ask me. To preach christ is to preach who he is and what he has done. You must preach christ substitute death , not just merely for sinners but for chosen sinners , his elect. You must preach christ representative aspect , who he represented on the cross, you also preach who it is he imputes righteousness, and whose sins were imputed to him. I believe in our day of apostacy, these simple truths have vanished. Those of us who God hass called to witness the truth, must witness, and distinguish the christ of scripture from the watered down christ of the apostate religon. Just saying christ was crucified for sinners,( thats not enough) well thats a popular message today, and you know that. God does not mind detail , we can look bact in the ot and see that. Don`t mean to be contetious, but we as Gods witnesses need to be passionate and thorough about the christ of the bible...
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yes lol , paul probably forgot about the human attention span that time he preached all night , when the child fell out the window..
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another good scripture passage ! who is paul talking about when he said christ died for our sins ? according to scripture, what scripture? could you please explain? Thanks..
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beloved57 said: Thanks for your respond. I think the audience does not make a difference because the gospel is the same to the jew first and also to the greek. I would imagine philip spoke to the ethiopian eunech from the jewish scriptures! . . . Well, methinks you are not considering something very important in this matter. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/Ponder.gif" alt="" /> When you read through the N.T., you will see that what Paul, for example, spoke to his audiences was far different depending who his audience was. What he spoke to unbelieving Jews or even Gentiles who were familiar with the Old Testament was far different than what he spoke to those who weren't, e.g., the Greeks on Mars Hill (Acts 17). And what he spoke to believing Jews was sometimes different than what he spoke to believing Gentiles. The Ethiopian Eunuch was obviously a man who was very familiar with the Old Testament, although he didn't quite understand some things about it. Why is that? Because Paul knew that one must first start at the beginning with those who know nothing or have false ideas about the truth of God compared to those who are familiar with what the Scriptures teach about God. And then once the basics are known, whether they are embraced or not, then one can move on to other matters that depend upon them. Let me illustrate by taking our present generation which knows virtually nothing about who God is; His being, nature, laws, etc. To assume that the average person knows that God is sovereign and holy would be a serious mistake. Thus, if you did assume this and went merrily along speaking about salvation in Christ, then the one who is ignorant about the God of the Bible would interpret your words according to their idolatrous views of a god of their own imagination. And the end result would be that they would go away with a totally different understanding of what you said rather than what you actually said. Comprende? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif" alt="" /> Another example might be when speaking with a Roman Catholic. If you were to simply speak of the necessity of being saved by grace through faith, they would certainly nod their head and agree with you happily. But what the Roman Catholic understands about Soli Gratia is a far different thing than what you understand, i.e., the biblical teaching of Sola Fide and imputed righteousness, the need of being regenerated by an initial and sovereign work of the Spirit which enables a person to repent and believe, etc. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> So, in summary, it is important to first ascertain what a person knows about God, Christ, sin, salvation, righteousness, etc. And from that knowledge one can then speak about Gospel truths and apply them to that particular individual. In His grace,
simul iustus et peccator
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I percieve some wisdom in your words. But if you please allow me, the end is to preach christ, rom 1:16 is the same to either jew or gentile. I believe, being led of the lord of course, that the truths of the gospel as to who christ is= His deity, triunity, his messiahship, and what he has done = bore the wrath and penalty for sin as it regards his elect or choen ones , what he has provided=righteousness, which we could not obtain through our works because of depravity via our first father adam. That God is sovereign in his grace ( acts 20:24) I believe if we labor to set forth the truth in this way, maybe not all in one setting, but nevertheless paul set us preachers an example in preaching the gospel acts 20 : 27 27For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. That is what it is to preach the gospel, it is work !
It would not matter because the key foundational elements are proclaimed ! It would not not matter who hears it, jew, gentile protestant catholic, muslim , seven day, The facts of who christ is and what he has done is the power of God.God has promised to save a people from all ethnos groups. Sure God may give us wisdom to begin differently with different folk, but nevertheless the gospel is the same!!
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beloved57 said: Sure God may give us wisdom to begin differently with different folk, but nevertheless the gospel is the same!! I think we are in total agreement on this point . . . the Gospel is the Gospel is the Gospel. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> The "message" is unchanged as to content regardless who it is to be spoken to. What I am trying to emphasize is that there is no such thing as a "canned" Gospel message, e.g., "Four Spiritual Laws" or any other such thing. The truths of the Gospel are the same, but they are not to be blurted out in some rote fashion without any consideration given to the hearer. Again, what Paul said to the Athenians was far different than what Peter preached to the Jews on the day of Pentecost. Yet, the truths which they spoke were believed by both men. The difference was in WHAT was necessary for their specific audiences to hear. In the case of the Athenians on Mars Hill, Paul had to begin with "square 1", so to speak. Let me try to make my point a different way. Before you can teach a student Algebra, a knowledge of basic mathematics is essential. If you were to try and teach a 6- year old Algebra who didn't even know basic addition or subtraction, you would be wasting your time. It would be sheer gobbledygook to his ears. It isn't that you teach a 6-year old a different math, but rather you teach the youngster the basics upon which the more advanced elements of math depend. Does that help? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/giggle.gif" alt="" /> Another example from the Bible is the instance where Priscilla and Aquila sat Apollos down and explained to him the truths concerning Christ (Acts 18:24ff), they did not have to explain to him many things concerning God, the need of salvation etc. They were able to take what he already knew and build upon that, showing him where he erred, etc. In verse 24 it is said of him, "he was mighty in the scriptures". And in the next verse we read, "This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spake and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, knowing only the baptism of John:". You see, he knew much that was correct, but there were some important things he did was wrong about. And this is how I believe we are to conduct our teaching/preaching as well. We are to first attempt to discern where are hearers are at and build upon those things which are held in truth, correct those things which are in error and then move on to matters which the person(s) do not know. (cf. Heb 5:12-14) In His grace,
simul iustus et peccator
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