The preceding chapter dealt with conversion in general, and also gave a brief description of the negative element of conversion, namely, repentance. The present chapter will be devoted to a discussion of the positive element, which is faith. This is of such central significance in soteriology that it calls for separate treatment. It is best taken up at this point, not only because faith is a part of conversion, but also because it is instrumentally related to justification. Its discussion forms a natural transition to the doctrine of justification by faith.

This month's Article of the Month deals with the subject of "FAITH"... in quite some detail. Everyone believes in some thing or some one. Not long ago, the rage was putting bumper stickers on cars that said, "We Believe in Country Music", or "We Believe in Obama", or "We Believe in ...". And some individuals who wanted to express their professed faith in Jesus Christ put bumper stickers on their cars with lots of varied slogans, e.g., "Honk if You Love Jesus" ironically, a violation of the 3rd Commandment. frown

The point is, most people would profess to have faith, whether undefined, weak or strong, even Atheists "believe" there is no god. evilgrin What is most important and that which is the subject of the article by Louis Berkhof is: What is TRUE BIBLICAL faith; that faith which unites a sinner to Christ and which results in justification by God?

Believing in the wrong thing is a tragedy. Having a spurious 'faith' in the right thing is more tragic. Do you have true saving faith; that faith which is wrought by the regenerating work of God the Holy Spirit? Berkhof will help you discern what kind of faith, if any, you profess to have and set forth what true faith really is, according to God's inspired, written and infallible Word.

You can read this month's article here FAITH.

For later reading, go to the main page of The Highway and click on the "Article of the Month" logo.

In His service and grace,

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simul iustus et peccator

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