The Real Evidence about Scripture and Homosexual PracticeRemembering the several discussions that have taken place here on the Discussion Board concerning homosexuality in many of its aberrations and the hermeneutical gymnastics that were used by its protagonists I thought this month's article would be of value to those who are confronted by such people and desire to defend the Word of God and the truth of this subject. I would like to also mention to those who read this article to not make the error of far too many to simply memorize and then parrot what Mr. Gagnon has written, albeit it is very good and worthy of one's memory. When reading apologetic material or even positive statements concerning the theology/teaching of Scripture written/spoken by others (which is sound, of course) especially note the hermeneutic/interpretation itself. Learning how to read and interpret Scripture according to Scripture's own methodology is a valuable and necessary skill.
In short, ask yourself, HOW did Mr. Gagnon arrive at his answers to the false claims made by people who try to defend homosexuality practice? This will develop the skill in yourself in reading Scripture and learning what God has intended for you to learn in your own walk before Him. And, if the occasion should arise, i.e., if the Spirit has brought you to a situation where you are confronted by unbiblical statements and/or practices and a defense of the truth is required you will be better equipped to do so and glorify God.
Enjoy the article and perhaps post a question(s) or comment(s) on the forums or your favorite social media outlet concerning this pressing subject which has become so prevalent in today's world.
You can read this month's article now by clicking here:
The Real Evidence about Scripture and Homosexual PracticeOR you can always find this article and all past articles by visiting
The Highway website and click on the "Article of the Month" logo.
In His service and grace,