If you "one of those" individuals like myself who really likes Jonathan Edwards then this month's article will be a delightful treat. But if you aren't familiar with Edwards and how his mind worked, especially in understanding Scripture and thus developing theology this just might be a good introduction and tutorial to him and some of his writings, in particular his doctrine of the biblical doctrine of the "free will" of man. Martin Luther wrote the famous The Bondage of the Will but Jonathan Edwards took another approach on the same subject and wrote his equally well known, "The Freedom of the Will". This article, written by Amanda Stevens lays out Edwards's incredible logic in dealing with the subject in comparison to the self-aggrandizing thinking of Arminianism/semi-Pelagianism which in essence exalts man's will above God himself. Presenting the truth in an incontrovertible way is one of Edwards's fortes and this is just one magnificent example. Enjoy and learn. grin

You can read this article now by clicking here: On Free Will: Edwards in Conversation with Arminians

Or, for later reading, just venture over to The Highway website and click on the "Article of the Month" logo. That page will provide you with not only this month's article but all past Article of the Month articles.

In His service and grace,

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simul iustus et peccator

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