The Highway
Just how much continuity between the Old and New Covenants? How new is the new Covenant?
Not being a Reformed Baptist, I'm thinking they agree with the Reformed on Covenant Theology. I thought the main disagreement would be on baptism. They do not baptize infants.
My understanding is that that would be correct. Other differences, such as baptism, flow from that starting point.

Reformed Baptist Seminary ( has available for viewing, a series of lectures on Creeds and Confessions, in which this is explained.
Thanks, areyou a reformed Baptist then?
We are Baptist, yes. The term 'reformed' seems to carry many connotations, so it is difficult to say without an actual definition.
Do you agree with reformed view on salvation proper, and how do you view Confessions of Faith?
You see, you have used that word again. Please define, precisely, "reformed view" of salvation.
I get the feeling you know what Reformed confessions like the LBCF 1689 and the WCF teach about salvation. You just want JesusFan to tell you. Am I correct?

You might benefit from the following link concern the differences between the Reformed Baptists and Reformed Presbyterians.

Simple answer would be the 5 Doctrines of grace!
Originally Posted by JesusFan
Simple answer would be the 5 Doctrines of grace!
Are you referring to the "5 Solas"?
Originally Posted by Tom
I get the feeling you know what Reformed confessions like the LBCF 1689 and the WCF teach about salvation. You just want JesusFan to tell you. Am I correct?


Originally Posted by Pilgrim
Originally Posted by JesusFan
Simple answer would be the 5 Doctrines of grace!
Are you referring to the "5 Solas"?
I suspect that he is referring to the five points of Calvinism, also called the doctrine of Sovereign Grace. If so, amen!
One other major difference would be church polity, e.g., local church independence vs. a judicial hierarchy. Some Calvinistic Baptists also differ in the makeup of officers in the local church, e.g., one "Pastor/Elder" and Deacons vs. the plurality of Elders and Deacons. And among the latter, many wrongly, IMHO, bifurcate the Eldership into two separate groups; teaching Elders and ruling Elders.
Yes, but the term that I call them by are the 5 Doctrines of grace.
you would be correct in your assumptions!
The Baptist church structure allows for more local autonomy, as think traditional reform churches much more " from top down", as to what is held and taught.
I can't argue with you there. For years I went to a Baptist Church that other than the pastor himself, they had deacons, that actually acted more like elders. Some preached on occasion, but others did not. I am finding that the Reformed Baptist Church I attend, is not like that. Although there is only one paid pastor with a doctorate in preaching; they do believe in a plurality of elders and they actually call the elders by the title "pastor". Our main pastor preaches most of the time, but the others preach as well and often lead things like Bible studies. One of the things, I have noticed that I like, is they are always trying to make certain they are practicing things like this biblically. I would not be surprised, one day to see actual wine replace the grape juice in communion. If you know Baptist circles, you know that would be a rarity. It seems however, the more they change, inevitably it gets some people upset and they eventually leave. For example some people actually left when it became obvious by his sermons that my pastor was not a Dispensationalist. Apparently many years ago, a pastor was fired in that Church because he was Ammillennial. As you probably guessed, there are families that attended that Church for many years. But my pastor upset the apple cart so to speak. wink

Originally Posted by Tom
You might benefit from the following link concern the differences between the Reformed Baptists and Reformed Presbyterians.

Btw Tom, it was a link that you posted in a different thread some time back (perhaps this same link), that lead me to where I found the lectures I mentioned above. Thanks for that.
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