But I was not aware that the SBC had endorsed the film
After watching the film, Chapman said, "I prayed for God to do something in America, ... some kind of spiritual catharsis that would change America."

Urging Southern Baptist leaders to follow the example of many churches that are seeking to use the movie as an evangelistic outreach tool, he said, "We can get busy and prepare to become a soul-winning force like the nation has not seen in our lifetime."

Distributing a written report about the movie, Chapman wrote, "I hope every Southern Baptist pastor will train his people to be ready with an answer! The film will teach them what Jesus did. We must teach them why He did it. Start praying now that hundreds, even thousands in your city will come to Christ."

"My prayer is this," he concluded, "Lord, make your passion my passion."

SBC's Chapman describes his passion about Mel Gibson's "Passion" movie

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