Blood Illustration #3 (Modified Calvinistic): Let’s suppose that God has always known both what the 100 people “could” do and also what they “would” do under certain circumstances. He knows that in certain circumstances, if 100 units of blood were provided to potentially buy them, all 100 people “could” receive eternal life, but He knows that only 50 people “would” actually choose to receive it under those circumstances. Those 50 people who “would” choose to receive it are also the 50 elect people that God has always intended to save. At the redemption center in the actual world a unit of blood is offered to a few non-elect people, but they refuse to take it. (Their rejection hastens their hardening, which somehow fits into God’s plan.) The 50 non-elect people “would” choose to reject eternal life under any circumstances. Thus, in the actual world, God only created 50 units of blood for use on the cross. These 50 units are efficient to save only the 50 elect persons that God has always intended to save. There are no wasted units of blood. (In this case we can say that 50 units were potentially sufficient to save 100 people because God had already potentially provided the extra 50 units in His omniscient foreknowledge. The 50 units could be offered to all 100 people, but there would be no danger of a shortage of blood for the 50 elect people. We can say that 50 units of blood were efficient to save the 50 people that God intended to save.)

The third illustration is of course the one I prefer. The other two seem to lack either efficiency or sufficiency.

If there are 100 people who have ever lived, and only enough shed blood for 50 of them, then it is not "sufficient for all." God doesn't save people with "potential blood." Jesus did not "potentially" shed His blood. God doesn't have to provide for things that "potentially can happen," as God has no Plan B. I don't think the third option makes any sense whatsoever.

The 50 units could be offered to all 100 people, but there would be no danger of a shortage of blood for the 50 elect people.

The fact of particular redemption does not mean that the gospel should not be preached to all mankind. This statement does not demand the Atonement was "sufficient for all."

True godliness is a sincere feeling which loves God as Father as much as it fears and reverences Him as Lord, embraces His righteousness, and dreads offending Him worse than death~ Calvin