RTS works with many different organizations--some are better than others. Remember RTS is NOT a Presbyterian seminary--though they embrace WCF and most of their professors/students are PCA (we had a Methodist student at the first of last year, but he is converted now. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />). RTS is run by a board as opposed to a church or pastors, professors, denom.....(which would make for an interesting topic of discussion). Their goal is to get RTS students into such organizations to enact "reformed" change. ...other areas that RTS is in: New Tribe Missions, Wycliffe, World Gospel Missions, etc.

RTS is by no means a perfect seminary (I personally question some of their philosophical ideals), but a still a great place for an education. Most of their professors are great (I have only been disappointed in 1 class out of the 20, or so, I have had this year).

Reformed and Always Reforming,