Hi again, Averagefellar. Concerning the quote from the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message, you said, “DISAGREE. Moral action has nothing to do with it.......we are born sinners. We are born under wrath. Please, we also do not uphold an age of accountability, also not found in scripture, around here.”
You seem to be disagreeing with Marie about whether the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message teaches an age of accountability and whether it teaches that infants are born under condemnation. This is an important issue. Marie works at the library at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, so I’m sure she’s interested in your interpretation of our confession of faith. There are a lot of Southern Baptists in America, and our confession of faith influences important decisions, so maybe you should go into detail about how our confession of faith is in error. If our confession of faith is truly in error, and if you succeed in convincing us that our confession of faith is in error, then you will have performed a great service.
You said, “Hey, maybe you could move on to Baptism as your next subject? I think this subject is about to come to an end; without any evidence from you......and being it is against sound Biblical doctrine.”
As I said in my last post, I thought we agreed to discuss each one of the passages I mentioned earlier. By the time we finish, I think you will understand how they all fit together to explain how a person can form a bias from equipoise while under the special, illuminating conviction of the Holy Spirit.
You said, “Nope.......not reformed. Ummm.......could you show free will from scripture? NO! So please stop putting this forth as truth. Thank you.”
Again, I never claimed to be reformed. The word “reformed” these days means “five-point Calvinist.” Obviously, I am not a five-point Calvinist. Again, I think after we discuss each of the passages I mentioned at the beginning of the thread, hopefully you will see free will in the Scriptures.