
I believe in the incarnation. I am a Christian.

I never stated anywhere that Christ did not have a will. Nor have I ever stated, anywhere, that man does not have a will. Man has a will. It is affected by his sinful nature and is not free

Yes, but now explain your understanding of the Incarnation.
Scripturally, it means that Christ assumed man's human nature and redeemed it. Redeemed it from the fall. Man's will is redeemed and is no longer bonded to death and sin.
So therefore man is free to chose. If you still deny man's free will, then you also deny the scripural definition of the Incarnation.

Man's sinful nature still possessed a will and a free will, that is independent of God's will. It is true that this will was clouded but never lost. This is quite evident that man in pre-Christ period of history did respond to God as we know in the OT. We also know that all men have this will because they naturally seek God. In their falleness, they set up gods to their liking, but always something or someone considered greater than they..

I am definitely seeing a pattern of misrepresentation concerning what calvinism teaches. I think you might want to study up a bit so you can at least discuss the real thing.

That is your job to better explain your view in opposition to the one I was presenting. If you don't explain your view, I can only assume what you believe.
But then I was not discussing Calvinism but Christianity, the Scriptural one, not the man-made one.
I might also add, that if I did read up on Calvinism, I would still not have it correct for everyone. Everyone seems to have slightly different understandings of it. As I already stated, there are Calvinists, then 4pt, 3pt etc. When there are over 40,000 different variations of protestantism one would have a very difficult time keeping up with all the nuances.