Boanerges said:
Are Christians mandated to tithe? That is to give a tenth of their goods to the church?

Hi, Boanerges. Happy Thursday to you!

I would respectfully submit that the question you ask doesn't get to the heart of what the Bible teaches. A simple answer would be, "No, we are required to give everything we have, but only after we've given our hearts to God."

Here's an outline of the "giving" section from a class I've been involved with on the larger subject of "stewardship."

Giving: Giving is blessed.

a) Matthew 23:23
i) The Pharisees gave precisely the correct amount – a tithe of even their mint leaves.
ii) But because they gave with the wrong heart attitude, the Lord rebuked them.

b) 1Corinthians 13:3
i) Giving without a heart of love is no value to the giver.

c) 2Corinthians 9:7
i) Do not give grudgingly or under compulsion but rather give cheerfully.
ii) The proper attitude is the key issue in the area of giving.
iii) The only way to give out of a heart of love is to consciously give each gift to Jesus Christ Himself as an act of worship.

d) Acts 20:23
i) In the Lord’s economic system it is more blessed to give than to receive. Most people believe the opposite.

e) Proverbs 11:24-25
i) There is a material increase – in the Lord’s time and way – to the giver.

f) Matthew 6:20
i) We can lay up treasures in heaven that we will be able to enjoy through out all eternity.

g) Luke 12:34
i) The heart of the giver is drawn to Christ as treasures are given to Him.

h) 1Timothy 6:18-19
i) We can store treasures in heaven and “take hold of that which is life indeed.”

i) Malachi 3:8-10
i) The tithe was required under the law, and it was considered robbing God not to give these required gifts.

j) 2Corinthians 8:1-5
i) There are three (perhaps more) principles from this passage that should influence how much you give:
(1) They first gave themselves to the Lord, asking Him to direct their giving. In the same way we need to submit ourselves to the Lord when determining how much to give.
(2) They were so yielded to the Lord that despite difficult circumstances they begged to give.
(3) They experienced tremendous joy as a result of their sacrificial giving.

k) Numbers 18:8-10,24
i) Godly people have always been required to participate in the maintenance of the ministry.
ii) The Old Testament believer was required to care for the place of worship and the Levites who served in the ministry.

l) Galatians 6:6
i) Those who are taught the Scriptures should financially support their teachers.

m) 1Timothy 5:17-18
i) God’s New Testament instrument in the church, and we are to adequately support those who serve as pastors and teachers.

n) Isaiah 58:6-11
i) When we give to the poor, the Lord will protect us, answer our prayer, and bless us with his joy.

o) Ezekiel 16:49
i) The primary sins of Sodom were pride and not caring for the poor, even though they had an abundance of material goods.

p) Matthew 25:35-45
i) Jesus identifies personally with the poor.
ii) When we give to the poor, we are giving to Christ Himself.
iii) When we do not give to the poor, we are not giving to Christ, and He is left hungry and naked.

q) Galatians 2:9-10
i) The disciples also had a deep concern for the poor.
ii) After Paul’s confirmation to minister to the Gentiles, the only counsel the disciples gave him was not to forget the poor.
iii) Think of the MANY issues they could have discussed, yet they only asked Paul to remember the poor.

I pray that this is helpful to you.

Yours in Christ's service,