if I reason this way than I should become an adulterer, so I can minister to adulators

No Joe.
I believe you have presupposed that the music is evil, and thus used said that as adultery is an unbiblical form of sex, so too is metal an unbiblical form of music. The problem is those who disagree with you here are not conceding that metal is inherently bad.

Proper reasoning would be that a married person (or a widowed) should minister to those caught in adultery. A Roman Catholic celibate priest would not likely be effective, nor would he be taken seriously. That doesn't mean that it is impossible that a Roman priest could be effective, as it is conceivable that an unmarried man could understand fully the trials and tribulations of marriage, but that his lack of experience could be a detriment.

Likewise a group of unregenerate metal-heads would be more likely to listen to someone who understands them. Someone who either likes or liked the genre of music would be able to relate to them. This doesn't mean that the person has to like or have liked the evil stuff....but an awareness and understanding of the genre.

To minister we must at least understand (notice I didn't say partake) the sin...right?

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.


Grace is not common.