And no, not all have gifts of teaching. But teaching is not the only speaking gift. I Corinthians 14 mentions several things that can be shared, psalms, teachings, revelations, tongues, and interpretation. So speaking (or singing) in a church meeting should not be limited to teaching. Paul gives specific instructions for how to speak in tongues with intepretation and how to prophecy in an orderly manner, instructions which he said were commandments of the Lord. May we disobey these commands and replace them with a hymn sandwich liturgy (hymns, offering, communion, hymns.) Romans 12 also mentions the gift of exhortation.

The revelatory gifts—including tongues and (necessarily) their interpretation—have ceased. There is no new revelation, because no need for it. That leaves us with the singing of "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs"—which not a single orthodox church today entirely neglects—and teaching and exhortation. Teaching and exhortation occurs in numerous formats in orthodox churches, but in the primary liturgical service, it is done through the preaching of a sermon by a man especially trained in the exposition of Scripture. What's wrong with that? Is it not "decently and in order"? Should we have it so that everyone can raise his hand to ask questions in the midst of the sermon, with the possibility of everything being sidetracked to address obscure or irrelevant points? Questions can be asked after the service, can they not? Questions can be asked before the service in Sunday school, which most orthodox churches also have.

All you're doing is taking up on the anti-authoritarian errors of the Anabaptists and other sectarians. You won't get much of a hearing from us, because we aren't interested!


I tell you, this man went down to his house justified.