Kalled2Preach,<blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>[color:"blue"]The quote from the article in the last post, to me, came acoss like the organ and the piano are the only appropriate instruments to be used in congregational worship.</font><hr></blockquote><p>If you read all the links I have provided you will realize that these pastors have a lot more to say about music in worship than what choice of instrument is used. These instruments should contribute to a deep spirit of reverence and joy, not undermine it.<blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>[color:"blue"]Who are we to say what instruments are good and bad in song worship? And who are we to say what arrangement of the music is bad?</font><hr></blockquote><p>If you really believe that after all that's been said and written on this topic apparently you're not paying attention. Another article worth reading is Dr. Peter Masters, “Let The Lord Define Worship”.<br><br><center>May the words of our mouths <br>and the meditation of our hearts <br>be acceptable in His sight.</center><br><br>Wes<br>

When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. - Isaac Watts