Originally Posted by jmp
Before God created anything, He knew all possible worlds and universes that he could have created. The list of possible worlds and universes was infinitely long. In some of these worlds, humans had antlers, in other worlds, humanoids had biological structures that were like receivers and angels directed them with remote-control-like powers, etc. In many of these worlds, however, humans had the power to control themselves....Whether or not I endorse this particular picture of God's decrees is irrelevant. What it does, though, is demonstrate that that God's decreeing the fall is compatible with a strong sense of liberty--even a 'Pelagian' sense of liberty PRIOR to the fall.

In all honesty, I was shocked to read the above. I acknowledge that you did not say you actually endorsed the scenario presented. However, it is so alien to the very nature of God that I shuddered to think that one would even posit such a thing; one who professes the Reformed Faith. This is something that an Pelagian/Arminian would posit. There were no possibilities, possible worlds, in the mind of God. ALL that God has decreed was present with Him instantaneously and perfectly. There can be nothing less than perfect thought in the Godhead. God's "knowledge/foreknowledge" of all things flows from His eternal and infinite council. The scenario above contradicts God's attribute of perfection. Secondly, this scenario mitigates against God's Omniscience in that He had to consider that which He did not create nor intend to create, aka: possibilities that existed outside of Himself. I would sincerely ask you reconsider using this line of reasoning in the future. grin

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simul iustus et peccator

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