Originally Posted by Pilgrim
Originally Posted by Cranmer
Volition is not the same thing as "libertarian" free will:
And who is insisting that it is? shrug

Clark's understanding of repentance is faulty because it is inadequately defined. The "change of mind" is but one element of repentance which is inextricably joined with the regenerated sinners spiritual and godly affections. It is the combination of the two: new understanding/knowledge and new affections/predisposition which govern the change of will, i.e., the decision to aver from sin and pursue holiness and righteousness. Regeneration effects the WHOLE man, not just the intellect. I have challenged you on this before by way of a question concerning faith; Is faith simply the acknowledgment and embracing of certain truths? I say, and historic confessional Reformed teaching rejects such a view. In fact, this month's Article of the Month by L. Berkhof, FAITH deals specifically with that subject. True saving faith is known as fiducia. Any other alleged "faith" is spurious and cannot save. Most common among Evangelicals and now increasingly so, Reformed churches teach Sandemanianism. However, you still haven't answered that question and we are still waiting for it.

I don't know what question you're referring to. Ask me again.

Second of all, you seem to be completely ignorant of the fact that Clark asserted that faith is assent/belief. The faculty psychology to which you are appealing is not biblical. The soul, heart, mind are all one thing. Furthermore, the distinction between faith and trust is tautological. Faith and trust are the same thing so saying that trust is something required in addition to faith is saying nothing more than that faith requires faith or belief requires belief. Assenting to the doctrines of the Bible means that you not only understand them but that you also believe them. I understand many things that I do not believe. I understand Islam's basic doctrines but I do not believe them. To believe the Bible is the same thing as conversion. To understand the Bible is not conversion. Many atheists understand the Bible but do they believe it?


Knowledge/understanding plus faith/assent/trust (one tautological proposition) is saving faith. That faith is not dead but produces actual change in thinking and behavior. (Romans 12:1-2). The habits of life change from the moment of regeneration.


Last edited by Cranmer; Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:19 AM.

For "who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16 NKJ)