Personally, I really have no problem with saying "mother of God"; as long as like you put it
But the divinity of the Lord Christ did not ORIGINATE from Mary. God the Father had prepared the human body using Mary as a vessel and the Son took that body as His own becoming Jesus the Messiah, the incarnate Son of God
is understood.
Yet, if people cannot get past a possible connotation of the language/phraseology of "mother of God" since it can easily be understood that Mary gave birth to God Himself, i.e., God didn't exist before Mary gave birth to Him. Then, I believe it might be better not to use it; because it is not helpful. I care more about communicating truth in a way that is understood. More than I do about using language/phraseology that is not clear or helpful.

It might be silly in saying this; but is it too much to ask for people who claim to be reformed, to actually listen to what the other side is saying. If they did, most would probably agree on more than they disagree on.
