re: "Turns out you are being selective because you're dismissing relevant points as issues 'for another topic'."

I have not dismissed any relevant points with regard to the issue of this topic because there haven't been any. What I'm dismissing are comments that have been made for a different topic. This one is concerned with one issue and only one issue, i.e., the issue with regard to the commonality of saying that a daytime or a night time would be involved with an event when no part of a daytime or no part of a night time could have occurred.

re: "As for Esther, my point is about the use of idiom. She says she will fast three days night and day and THEN go to see the king, but then she goes to see him on the third day, which could have been after having fasted on the third night as well.

And that is what I am saying - that at least a part of a third night could have been involved, therefore the Esther account is not an example where a daytime or a night time was forecast or said to be involved with an event when no part of a daytime or no part of a night time could have occurred.