Paul went on and on and on in Romans saying if it’s works it’s no longer grace. It doesn’t depend on a man wiling or running but on God who shows mercy.

The Westminster Confession says that we do come most willingly due to God’s grace. However, God’s mercy is irresistible. He is the author and finisher of our faith.

The Bible’s warnings are there to comfort born-again believers to know what they have and to keep loving no matter what the circumstances. Love fulfills the law.

It’s not there to help people make a decision for Christ. It’s there to lift up those who have the grace of God to understand the God who saved them. Preachers who preach the gospel whether with good motives or bad were acceptable to Paul while he was in prison as he knew it would fall on the seed on rich soil and God would lead them.

Where does anyone find in the Bible it’s up to fallen sinners to choose God or make a decision for Christ?