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Whats edifying in classical music country, jazz, opera etc, etc ?

Can't say anything about country, opera, jazz, etc, etc, because I don't listen to it all that much. But classical music, ah, there's an easy one. Just take a look at the lyrics to some of Vivaldi's or Bach's choral music. Bach wrote primarily for the church. In fact, he composed new pieces every week for the services. Vivaldi's "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" is a pretty good example. The lyrics are entirely, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo". That's it. Glory o God in the Highest. If you ask me, I'd say that's derned God-glorifying. Or Bach's "Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ". All to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Check out to find a lot more of Bach's Sacred Choral Music, or to hear the MIDI versions. Or, hey, how about Handel. "The Messiah". Or Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Amadeus means "Beloved of God". I imagine he might have been. His "Great Mass in C Minor" sounds pretty God-glorifying. But that's just my opinion.

In the midst of your sadness and woe, when you are tormented and afflicted, have comfort! God's will is done.