The Earthly Messianic Kingdom (Millenium) is taught in the Apocrypha ( Enoch, Baruch,2 Edras) but not of a fixed 1000 year duration.<br><br>Revelation 20 is spiritual and figurative , including the 1000 years. See ; Deut 1:11, 7:9, 32:30 , Psalm 90:4, 91:7, 105:8, Eccl 6:6, Isa 30:17, 60:22 , 2 Peter 3:8. (kjv)<br><br>Hitlers third reich was going to last a 1000 years - by this , Hitler meant forever . Fortunately , it lasted only 12 years !<br><br>I personally believe the Beast to be Rome and the False prophet to be Islam and we are living in the Tribulation today.