I commend to you, in the next place, the importance of perseverance in prayer. Once having begun the habit never give it up. Your heart will sometimes say, “We have had family prayers; what mighty harm if we leave private prayer undone?” — Your body will sometimes say, “You are unwell, or sleepy, or weary; you need not pray.” — Your mind will sometimes say, “You have important business to attend to to-day; cut short your prayers.” Look on all such suggestions as coming direct from the devil. They are all as good as saying, “Neglect your soul.” I do not maintain that prayers should always be of the same length; — but I do say, let no excuse make you give up prayer. It is not for nothing that Paul said, “Continue in prayer,” and “Pray without ceasing.” (Colos. iv. 2; 1 Thess. v. 27.) He did not mean that men should be always on their knees, as an old sect, called the Euchitae, supposed. But he did mean that our prayers should be like the continual burnt offering, — a thing steadily persevered in every day; — that it should be like seed-time and harvest, and summer and winter, — a thing that should unceasingly come round at regular seasons; — that it should be like the fire on the altar, not always consuming sacrifices, but never completely going out. Never forget that you may tie together morning and evening devotions by an endless chain of short ejaculatory prayers throughout the day. Even in company, or business, or in the very streets, you may be silently sending up little winged messengers to God, as Nehemiah did in the very presence of Artaxerxes. (Neh. ii. 4.) And never think that time is wasted which is given to God. A nation does not become poorer because it loses one year of working days in seven by keeping the Sabbath. A Christian never finds he is a loser in the long run by persevering in prayer. ~ J.C. Ryle