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Antisemitism Awareness Act & Religious Liberty

In case anyone is interested, I am providing a link to a Podcast concerning something that is presently going on in the largest Protestant denomination in America; the SBC.


It has to do with Antisemitism and a resolution that if passed, will make parts of the New Testament to be considered Antisemitic.

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I’ll watch, but none of this stuff “just happens.” Once again the Jews are being used for geopolitical gain just like post-WW2. I don’t have all the details but that is a rough sketch. Guys like Soros backed by the Rothchilds fund both “sides” and leave a bunch of collateral damage in their wake. But I’m trying to stay in the revisionist history lane and that requires some detail.

But if you feel like there is a side, you are probably being seduced. And this is the fruit of thinking there is a righteous political or cultural side. Policy endorsing anti-semitism seems like a good thing but it can be easily taken to an extreme, just like Covid policy was. Most Christians in government are dispensationist; that is not by accident. Israel is the epicenter of the NWO-agenda. Blind support of media-driven narratives ultimately reaps this kinda stuff. I’m not surprised that I’m never disappointed by these developments.
Profiting from WWI

“ The banking and business elites salivating for war included J. Henry Schroder Banking Company, the Rockefellers, the Eugene Meyer family, J.P. Morgan, Alex Brown & Sons, Kuhn Loeb & Co., the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Baruch and Guggenheim families and a few others who weaved a tightly connected web of power, money, arms and influence for their own financial gains. Their mutual influence on world affairs often crossed as they financed all sides for a continual, profit rendering conflict.

J. P. Morgan, Jr., one of the signatories to the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, played a prominent role in the financial aspects of war-mongering. It was he who made the first loan of $12,000,000 to Russia, and in 1915, a loan of $50,000,000 to the French Government. All of the munitions purchases in the United States by the British were made through one of his firms, and he organized a syndicate of about 2,200 banks and floated a loan of $500,000,000 to the Allies.

J.P. Morgan also received the proceeds of the First Liberty Loan to pay off $400,000,000 which he in turn advanced to Great Britain at the outbreak of war. By 1917, the Morgans and Kuhn, Loeb Company had floated a billion and a half dollars in loans to the Allies. The bankers also financed a slew of pro-war (disingenuously named “peace”) organizations which prodded US citizens to become involved in the War. The “Commission for Relief in Belgium” made up grisly atrocity stories against the Germans, while a Carnegie organization called the “League to Enforce Peace” (later, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) agitated in Washington for US entry into war.

Sometimes, the bankers financed both sides. The Rothschilds’ agents, the Warburg banking house, were financing the Kaiser. Paul Warburg, a naturalized citizen from Germany who had been decorated by the Kaiser in 1912, was vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. He had also handled large sums furnished by Germany for Lenin and Trotsky while his brother Max (who was Kaiser Wilhelm’s personal banker) was the leader of the German espionage system! It was this brother, Max, who authorized Lenin’s train to pass through the lines and execute the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Jacob Schiff, like the Warburgs, also had two brothers in Germany during the war, Philip and Ludwig, who also were active as bankers to the German Government.

The Rothschilds meanwhile bought the German news agency, Wolff, to further control the flow of information to the German people and what the rest of the world would hear from inside Germany. One of the leading executives of Wolff was none other than Max Warburg! The Rothschilds would later buy an interest in the Havas news agency in France and Reuters in London. The tentacles of the banking families reached deep into the power elites: Dr. von Bethmann Hollweg, was the son of Moritz Bethmann from the Frankfurt banking family of Frankfurt, a cousin of the Rothschilds.

Kuhn, Loeb & Co. represented the Rothschild interests in the US, and along with the Harrimans, the Goulds and the Rockefellers, became the dominant powers in the railroad and America financial world while they war-mongered to fatten themselves even more. The first available appointment on the Supreme Court of the United States which Woodrow Wilson filled was given to Kuhn-Loeb lawyer Louis Brandeis who had been selected by Jacob Schiff to carry on war agitation. Through marriage, the Kuhn Loeb Company managed to twine itself throughout the U.S. Food Administration, the British Secret Service and the Wilson White House. And on and on and on it went, like a ball of twine, tangling and tying the bankers, their progeny and their friends together for war and profits.

On October 13, 1917, Woodrow Wilson stated: “It is manifestly imperative that there should be a complete mobilization of the banking reserves of the United States. The burden and the privilege (of the Allied loans) must be shared by every banking institution in the country. I believe that cooperation on the part of the banks is a patriotic duty at this time, and that membership in the Federal Reserve System is a distinct and significant evidence of patriotism.”

That “patriotism” served the bankers and their cronies well, although it did little for the people of America who sacrificed their sons, fathers, brothers and husbands to a bloody, needless war.”

Last edited by Anthony C.; Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:47 AM.
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This guest is excellent! Thanks for sharing.

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So Tom,

Not that you asked but to bring you up to speed how free-thinkers like me believe we got here:

*In October, there is reports of horrible atrocities against Jewish women and children in the Gaza Strip and/or the surrounding area

- my thought is that I don’t trust any mainstream reports that are going to forward a heightened response until we can corroborate all of the information as it’s being presented. Also, Israel has the best intelligence, surveillance and security on the planet. How did they let their guard down in this instance? Is the narrative exaggerated or did security all of a sudden become lax?

*As expected, the military response is potent. Reports of genocide are floating around, and very seemingly funded and organized protests against Israel’s response are mainstream news. Democrats are secretly supporting Israel while trying to appear neutral while Republicans, with the exception of a thoughtful Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, are all in with supporting an epic military campaign to snuff out the enemy (despite many civilian casualties).

- my concern is a rushed response and a lack of nuanced reporting. We are encouraged to pick either a good side or an evil side and a majority of congress is on board with swift action to right the reported wrongs.

*Jews in America are now being targeted by these well-organized and indoctrinated protestors and supporters of Hamas(?).

-I’m concerned with the level of coordination behind these protests. Is somebody funding the protesters? We know we can’t trust the objectively or nuance of the mainstream and even sanctioned alternative news outlets. We have to try and piece it all together and make sense of what we are being sold.

*On cue, there is now a greater excuse to crack down on the antisemitism that currently abounds which will put greater restriction on the rights of US citizens while the desire to exercise discernment in supporting military campaigns is further buried under the flames of discord. The respected thing is merely to pick a side. You are either with the Jews or against.

-Personally, I’m with the Jews! I’m for their livelihood and their salvation but I also feel that way about every person made in the image of God, no matter where they happen to reside. Jews are not pawns to be used in a greater geopolitical agenda.

So here we are…. As citizens merely along for the ride. As Christians, discerning and vigilant citizens of a much better place.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:57 PM.
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Originally Posted by Anthony C.
In October, there is reports of horrible atrocities against Jewish women and children in the Gaza Strip and/or the surrounding area

- my thought is that I don’t trust any mainstream reports that are going to forward a heightened response until we can corroborate all of the information as it’s being presented. Also, Israel has the best intelligence, surveillance and security on the planet. How did they let their guard down in this instance? Is the narrative exaggerated or did security all of a sudden become lax?
Anthony, there is actual video footage from the October 6 attack and unthinkable slaughter of innocent Jews by Hamas.
There are very reliable reports verifying the attack from eye-witnesses and conservative journalists who were present or very near by of the attack.
There are actual videos from the Israeli Defensive Force of many of the resulting attacks on Hamas, recovery of hostages, discovery of dead hostages, etc.
There are verified reports from investigations into the finances behind the current rash of 'protestors', naming such expected individuals e.g. Soros, &co. et al.

In short one is not a conspiracist, reactionary, lemming, political party shill, or any such pejorative description who has looked at the plethora of evidence and has concluded that Hamas, Iran and it's satellite agents are behind the slaughter of Jewish innocents and the resulting response from Israel. Any non-military individual who picks up arms to kill Israelis is a terrorist and if they are shot or otherwise killed, they are NOT 'innocent casualties' of blood-thirsty Israeli soldiers whose only intent is to randomly kill Palestinians. The desire to exterminate Jews is ageless and doubtless it will continue to the end of time.

My view is leave Israel alone to do what needs to be done to insure at least a temporary peace for its own people until the next wave of evil anti-semites comes along.

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simul iustus et peccator

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Even if babies were beheaded and put in ovens as originally reported, and eventually debunked (after the fires had already been flamed for maximum effect)… the bigger irregularities remain very much in question…

A ‘Pearl Harbor’ moment: Why didn’t Israel’s sophisticated border security stop Saturday’s attack?
(A fairly charitable analysis, all things considered, you can find much more scrutinizing analysis from various other sources/commentators not paid to look the other way)….

Last edited by Anthony C.; Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:07 PM.
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CNN?? really? rofl

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simul iustus et peccator

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Annie Oakley
Annie Oakley
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CNN=fake news. If that is your go to news source, perhaps you had better look further. A recommendation might be Newsmax, Truth Social, Rumble, X, GAB and perhaps others. CNN is the mouth piece of the leftist regime.

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Terrorism, violence and blind hatred are all bad things. We all agree on that!

Unfortunately, the “never let a crisis go to waste” camp never sleeps. That’s where the extra discernment comes in. I don’t think I’m too far off on that point.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:09 PM.
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I agree that the guest is excellent.
Based on your other responses, it seems safe to say you are surprised.

What in particular did you find excellent about what he said?


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Hey Tom!

I am not advocating that anyone have as cynical and mistrusting view of the framing of public and/or reported events the way I do. I’m just saying that if something is presented as a crisis or emergency (requiring swift and immediate action and/or response), it may sound uncharitable to question it, but I’m sorry, none of these high profile entities have earned our trust. So we place our trust where it should be. The speaker is doing the two most important things in my eyes. He is placing His trust and priority in the most important thing (and putting those words into action, him being an ethnic Jew and highlighting his special accountability to believe the gospel almost brought me to tears). The other vital thing he’s doing, which if done correctly is also very important, is promoting Christian liberty in society (the freedom to teach, preach/promote and share the gospel without restriction). I saw and heard a brother in Christ with a gratitude-filled heart for the lost. What’s not to like? I’m jealous and envious (in a positive, loving sense). The hosts are fine too. Good men all around from what I can tell! Seems like a good podcast. I like Voddie B. too. Obviously, I’m not a Baptist, but they are ok in my book.

I love the Jews. I think they were systematically driven from their homes throughout Europe during/following WW2. I believe it was a coordinated effort by the power-elite to secure a strategic geopolitical presence in the region. I also think they are being used and sacrificed in a similar way today. So you can doubt the legitimacy of my perspective and still understand I have no bias or prejudice against innocent civilians who are powerless to control the harsh circumstances thrust upon them.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:33 AM.
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When it comes to this particular issue; I am a case by case guy.
It is very well known that Hamas did indeed come into Israel, killing
and kidnapping women and children.
Then when Israel retaliates, which they have a right to do.
Hamas hides behind the citizens of Gaza.
Resulting in its citizens being killed.
The leader of the UN now outwardly considers Israel’s leader to be a criminal.

This is exactly what Hamas wants world opinion to be.

It is also well known that Hamas supporters are from Iran, fired thousands of rockets towards Israel.
Most of them were intercepted of course, but…

In a way, I would like for Israel to look after themselves, which I think they are more than capable of doing.
Hamas has vowed never to stop until every single Israelite is wiped out.

I think Israel needs to take that threat very seriously.


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Not directly related, but this is an interesting paradox or just plain hypocrisy…

Note: At the end a distinction is ultimately made between the view of the secular Jew in contrast to the religious.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:49 PM.
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This is an older thread; but I would agree that there definitely is some hypocrisy going on.
That is why if you looked at an earlier post I made in this thread. You would see that I like to look
at things on a case by case basis.
There are both leftist ethnic Jews and ethnic Jews such as Ben Shapiro, who is on the right.

Personally, it is obvious that Israel should not take in any refuges where, it is well known that the refuges hate Israel.
Similarly to how it is not in the best interest of the USA, to open their Mexican border; like the Democrats are doing.

The left keeps using the biblical phrase ‘love your neighbour..’ in ways that the Bible does not subscribe to.
The left, of course says if you do not keep the border open, you are not “loving your neighbour”. Similarly to how they use the same phrase on issues such as LBGQT+++, and CRT.
I also understand that Governor Gavin Newsom in California has put up signs on that issue, for leftist purposes.
Unfortunately, even pastor’s and theologians are buying into their lies.
Which I understand if being funded by leftist billionaires such as George Soros, to try to influence the Christian right.
There is a great book on that issue out called ‘Shepherds For Sale’, by Megan Besham.

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