Thank you, Pilgrim. I have your booklet and have read it numerous times.

In it you state on pg. 20, "Thus we have the two requirements: repentance, which is the turning from sin and the world with all it sinful ways; hating the very sin with in us and desiring those things which God has commanded; to do them out of a heart of gladness and thankfulness. And secondly, faith which is a complete trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, in both HIs sacrificial death and in His imputed righteousness."
So, belief in predestination, unconditional election, and limited atonement are not necessary for salvation? Although, they speak directly to the person and work of Christ?
Please help me understand or am I just confusing myself?

Last edited by ATulipNotADaisy; Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:29 PM.