
Thanks for the welcome. It has been interesting/stimulating (I don't do this much and from time to time good to enter the foray of other thoughts!). And thanks for the clarification re: Pipe (that was the hook that got me to respond).

re: mj
I will assume your examples are true (I would be interested in the references if you have them). The reality is that normal people do not use mj and then go have an orgy (that sounds like "Reefer Madness" mentality to me - most people know better by now - frankly, I am not sure they could concentrate long enough to accomplish said activity (I would have that little laughing guy here once I figure it out)). As ex-homicide detective, you know that THC tends to cause people to gear down and that the simple act of smoking of any plant material (rose flowers, hemp flowers or tobacco leaves is a non-violent activity). Now alcohol can cause violent reactions particularly among some (though does not have that effect on me). My main point, is we need to separate out the well stated health issues from the other issues in order to think clearly about this or any matter.
