Up here in B.C. Canada, one of the things that seem to be in the news a lot is the American Patriot Act. In particular the fact that the act allows the US to get private information on all Canadians. My understanding is that the B.C government is trying to do something to stop this from happening.
What do you think, should a foreign government be able to do this? Isn't this infringing on nation's sovereignty?
Is Canada really a foreign country? I thought Canada was a suburb of one of those northern states. Now let me think was it Montana or Minnesota? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Actually all this backlash on the Patriot Act is coming from liberals who have something to hide. Honest people who don't have anything to hide are not threatened by this so called invasion of privacy. I wonder if we'd be as successful in our efforts to thwart another terrorist attack if the Patriot Act wasn't in effect.
It doesn't effect me personally, because I have nothing to hide. However, I have to admit that I am not sure I like people digging into my private afairs. I could understand it if I was going into the States and they were trying to make sure I was not a security risk.
I don't think anyone likes the government looking into their personal private affairs. However, this may be the new price for freedom that we have to pay to guard against those who would do us harm.
For example: I don't mind giving extra time to go through security check points when flying or entering high risk structures because I realize that this screening process should provide me with a safe experience. I wish we didn't have to do this but unfortunately this is the world we live in today.
When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. - Isaac Watts
I don't know this for sure, because it is second hand information. But if the information I have received is correct, this information isn't just for security reasons. It can be accessed by other agencies. Perhaps you know how to confirm this?
All this rancour sounds too much like the old Hippy adage, "Big Brother is watching you" silliness. Personally, I am more than happy that such things as the Patriot Act is functioning since it is a proper application, albeit not to be acknowledged by those involved, of the doctrine of Total Depravity. Yes, there are evil and wicked people on this earth who would destroy others with no remorse. It also smacks of the anti-American sentiment which is quite prevalent among the leftists that reside here in Canada. It is a known fact that there are some terrorist groups residing in O Canada and who have infiltrated the U.S. from here, despite Cretian's constant denial of the facts. Given the mentality of Canadians in general and the liberal political milieu in particular, Canada is a virtual safe-haven for terrorists, drug-dealers, purveyors of child pornography, murderers, etc.
Now, if you are really concerned about your privacy, then perhaps a deserted, remote island in the North Atlantic might be more to your liking? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/rofl.gif" alt="" />
Yeah. All types of personal records have been available to various government agencies without your permission. It has been this way for longer than some of us have been alive. Your records from school, criminal, business, financial, etc., are all freely available to law enforcement simply for the asking. The government has been using these same basic tools to enforce federal drug policy for over twenty years. That these same "tools" will eventually be used to silence christians in some countries is already being witnessed.
Perhaps you missed my comments about not having anything to hide?
<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/nope.gif" alt="" /> I didn't miss them at all. Contrary to many here, my political leanings tend to be antithetical to Libertarianism. Simply put, I would rather have the government involved in security which may infringe upon one's perceived "right" to personal privacy. Perhaps if I said that the ACLU and I are mortal enemies you might catch my drift? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/giggle.gif" alt="" />
Remember too, that I am an American citizen and lived in the USA for 46 years prior to moving to Canada. So, I have a reasonably good understanding how both governments function as well as the general mentality of their citizenry. IMHO, the USA is far more conservative and suits my world-view, albeit miserably so, in a way that Canada could never hope to do. If providing for the overall security of a nation means that some "taken-for-granted rights" need to be removed, I'm all for it. What the USA doesn't need is a bunch of liberal "Canucks" (spiritual terrorists) crossing over and taking up residence there.
You might be surprised to learn that the reason why I brought up this matter is because I am trying to form an informed opinion on this matter. By the way, based on what little I know about the ACLU, I am not a big fan of them myself.
One thing about you is nobody can accuse you of not having an opinion on the matter. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/giggle.gif" alt="" />
I have one simple question? What would the motive be for a the U.S. goverment to spend the man hours and money to look in on the personal information of an Canadian Citizen?
If the goverment got FBI agent to look into at all my personal information, it would put him to sleep. Unless they are watching me post on the highway!
rcwilly2002 said: I have one simple question? What would the motive be for a the U.S. government to spend the man hours and money to look in on the personal information of an Canadian Citizen?
The fact is, they don't research out all personal information of EVERY citizen of Canada nor even of the U.S. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/rolleyes2.gif" alt="" /> This is a misconception foisted by extremist Libertarians and other radical Left-wing groups/individuals for the most part. ALL governments do such investigations and research looking for possible criminals, terrorists, etc. However, they don't do it as some would have you believe. They do have "Profiles" which narrow their search patterns; looking for specific criteria that fits the profiles.
If they wanted any personal information about me, they can simply ask. My rates for answering questions are quite reasonable. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/rofl.gif" alt="" />