This is going to show how old I am. I grew up in a church that practiced Sunday Sabbath. I knew people who wouldn't even peel their potatoes for Sunday dinner on Sunday. They'd do in on Saturday night instead. Many would not answer the phone on Sunday because it needed the operator to work and that broke the fourth commandment. We didn't ride our bikes on Sunday nor play catch with a ball. I lived in a town with a blue law ordinance. All the stores were closed. Literally the streets were rolled back on Sunday and we practiced abstinence from all forms of labor with the exception of deeds of mercy.

Now that must sound ridiculous and quite strange to some of you younger folks but that's what you do when you take the fourth commandment literally. We didn't view this as a burden but more as a privilege to be able to cease from work and rest on the Lord's day. This kind of Sunday observance is still practiced by the Amish people and the Menonites in our area. Neither my church or community practice these legal requirements in quite the same way any longer.


When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. - Isaac Watts