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He doesn’t sincerely represent your values. He’s controlled opposition. Why was he even there if it were not true?

Last edited by Anthony C.; Sun Mar 31, 2024 8:57 PM.
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All do respect, I am beginning to think you and I hold to the opposite political views.

Pettersson is not a Christian, but he stands up for Christians and holds the same political views they do.
He being a Canadian, is against the Trudeau and the left, who are Woke.
He is being punished for having a political opinion that is contrary to Trudeau and Woke.
Woke in case you do not know, is being pushed in the educational institutions such as where he used to teach.

He is saying a lot of the very same things Reformed pastors such as Voddie Baucham and pastors in Canada who were arrested for keeping their Churches open during Covid-19.
Who by the way in a court of law dispite having spent time in jail, were found innocent of crimes.

If you believe Pettersson is on the wrong side; to be consistent you must believe these pastors were wrong.

By the way, these pastors, much like Jordan Pettersson have a much louder voice than they did before.


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I hope I did not come on too strong in my last post.
The video you provided of Peterson at the Trilateral Commission is about 5 years ago.

Did you hear anything in his speech that led you to believe he agrees with the values of that organization?
I sure did not.

A friend of mine who watched that video, believes they invited Peterson to speak, to see how the opposition thinks.

However, if you have heard/watched any of his most recent videos, he speaks at conferences that are anti-woke, and anti-WEF.
Such as the one he did in Alberta Canada, with Tucker Carlson.


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Hey Tom,

No I didn’t get offended. After years of disappointment by men appointed to do the right thing, I’ve concluded that there are many who talk a good game but have either self-imposed or outwardly applied constraints that prevent them from being either wholly truthful or wholly active in their response to lawlessness and injustice. That’s just my hot take on these matters.

Also, I think there are many pastors who are either too preoccupied or too oblivious of civil affairs to be helpful - Wilson & Keller are examples of each. So I’m very cynical of most of these celebrity mouth-pieces (both political & religious).

One of the criticisms of JP (and maybe this is incorrect, although I’m naturally skeptical), is this…. and Remember, there are no reliable and credible news sources, and since justice delayed is justice denied, sometimes all we have left is to connect the dots…

“…he talks about how rich he has become running his shtick. This video (“Jordan Peterson Dismantled”) in it entirety, a litany about what this decidedly nasty player is really all about.

If you go a little deeper into Peterson’s background, you’ll see his association with Jim Balsillie, former CEO of Blackberry’s Research in Motion. They worked on something called Resilient People, Resilient Planet. Balsillie awarded George Soros with the CIC Globalist of the Year award on Nov. 15, 2010, in Toronto, Canada. The CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation) globalism school in Kitchener/Waterloo, Canada, is run by Jim Balsillie.

Peterson was put in place by his spawn-producing think-tank mentors on a U.N. panel that produced a document that is essentially a NWO blueprint. This document was later built upon and referenced by a U.N. panel that John Podesta sat on called The United Nations High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

..psychologist Norman Doidge, who’s a colleague and personal friend of Peterson and with whom he sometimes gives talks, wrote the foreword to Peterson’s new book “12 Rules for Life.” Dodge also comes out of the CIGI network. In the book foreword, Doidge wrote that a.. TV producer named Wodek Szemberg, who was “always on the lookout for potential public intellectuals,” met Peterson in 2004. Szemberg worked at TV Ontario producing a show called “The Agenda,” and it was also involved with CIGI. Suffices to say, Peterson as a made man had help- lots of it.

He did his post-doctoral work under Maurice Dongier. Dongier obtained his degree in psychiatry in 1954 at McGill University, training at the Allan Memorial Institute. The Allan Memorial Institute was founded and directed by Donald Ewen Cameron, who was contracted by the CIA to conduct MKUltra mind control experiments at McGill between the years 1957 and 1964. After completing his post-doc, Peterson then went on to teach at Harvard for five years, taking up Timothy Leary’s old position. Quite a pedigree…”

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Here’s a guy, Matt Walsh, who was mentioned on another thread, who actually speaks to an event that doesn’t pass the smell test, (although he makes a passing remark about the SandyHook “Adam Lanza” Shooting where I guess he accepts the report at face value). Anyway, if the folks we look to can’t get answers, or don’t even bother, are they really so useful? Things will move along in the direction that God has ordained. Why waste time on guys who can’t get to the truth or are paid to play the victim? I don’t need Jordan Peterson (or even Matt Walsh) to tell me “the truth” while they make money off me. It’s good to see folks willing to speak out, but if they can’t broaden their awareness, or even worse, are just playing along, how useful are they? Sometimes, playing the victim, is just a job, and it can be pretty lucrative.

WALSH: 58 People Were Killed In Las Vegas, We Still Don’t Know Why Or How, And Nobody Cares
Matt WalshDec 1, 2017
I am goingw to break the rules of the Internet Hot Take Industry and write about an old story that nobody cares about anymore. We have gone on to other topics, and then other topics, and then other topics, and other topics, etc. The news cycle moves at the speed of sound. Events from last week are a distant memory and news from October may as well have occurred during the Cretaceous Period.

Still, I can’t help but recall, ever so faintly, that little thing known at the time as the worst mass shooting in American history. If memory serves, a wealthy 64-year-old gambler named Stephen Paddock murdered 58 people and injured hundreds from the window of his luxury hotel room. In the days after the slaughter, nobody could figure out why he did it, or how he managed to pull it off. So, we all kind of shrugged our shoulders and moved on. The questions were never answered.

It is now two months later and we know as much today as we knew six hours after the shooting. But nobody is talking about it anymore. It’s as if it never happened.

There was a time when a mass shooting of this magnitude would dominate the news for weeks and weeks. Columbine — which paled in comparison to this — was the only thing anyone talked about for at least a month. Even more recent shootings — Charleston, Aurora, Orlando — were in the headlines for much longer than Las Vegas. Yet there were more people shot in Vegas than in Columbine, Charleston, Aurora, and Orlando combined. Twice as many, easily.

Well, I think.

I actually don’t know how many people were shot. They tell us 527 people were injured, along with the 58 killed, but were all of those injuries from gunshots? Did the guy actually physically shoot 585 human beings? Or were some of the injuries from people getting knocked over and trampled in the melee? I would imagine the latter must be the case, but I don’t know. It’s been two months and we still don’t even know how many people Paddock shot. Maybe that number is available somewhere but I couldn’t find it. How is that possible? How could it be two months after the worst mass shooting in American history and we still don’t have a precise and well-publicized casualty count?

And that’s just one unanswered question.

There are many more, because, basically, none of the questions about Las Vegas have ever been answered. And they don’t need to be answered because nobody is asking them. So the questions remain. Questions like:

Why did he do it? We were told it wasn’t terrorism, even though ISIS claimed credit. Okay, then what was it? Was he crazy? But then how did a crazy person manage to orchestrate something like this? And why hasn’t a single person from Paddock’s personal life come forward and called him crazy? All we heard was that Paddock was a normal, rational guy. Dylann Roof was obviously disturbed. Adam Lanza had clear mental issues. James Holmes is a nutcase. The Orlando killer was a terrorist. Every single one of these guys fits into one of two categories: terrorist or lunatic. We’re told Stephen Paddock was neither of those things. What was he? Why did he do it? And why isn’t the media asking why he did it?

In fairness, some media outlets have sued the FBI to gain access to information about the shooting, but they could put more pressure on the Powers That Be if they actually reported on the story and asked this question publicly. Or this question:

How did he do it? We know he used a gun. Or guns. He had dozens of guns in the hotel room with him. How did he get them all in there? How did he set up a kill room in a major American hotel without anyone noticing? How did he manage to shoot hundreds of people from 500 yards away at night? Was he trained? Where did he train? Who trained him?

More questions:

Why did the timeline of the shooting change three times? What’s the current version of the timeline? First they told us a “hero” security guard named Jesus Campos stopped the shooting while it was happening. Then they told us Campos himself was actually shot six minutes before Paddock opened fire on the crowd. Then the hotel told us Campos was shot 40 seconds before Paddock began his massacre. Which is it? None of these? And how could there ever have been any confusion about the timeline? There are video cameras everywhere. There were gun shots being fired in a crowded hotel. Shouldn’t it have been immediately obvious exactly when all of this started?

And what exactly were the police doing? If Campos was shot six minutes before the massacre, and the massacre lasted 10 minutes, why didn’t anyone intervene sometime during that 16-minute time span? Police didn’t finally enter the hotel room until an hour after the shooting stopped. What took them so long? Where were they? In one of the last press conferences about the shooting, the Las Vegas sheriff confirmed that the police were in the hotel when the shooting started. It took them over an hour to get upstairs? Or were they just waiting by the door as Paddock executed 58 people?

And why did it take them a month to disclose that an officer did discharge his weapon inside Paddock’s room? They insisted for weeks that no officer fired a shot. Did they really not know? Or were they withholding the information? Why? And why was a shot fired if Paddock was allegedly already dead when they entered?

And why did Paddock wire $100,000 to the Philippines before the shooting?

And what happened to his missing hard drive? Did they ever find it? And why did he get rid of it? What’s on it?

We’re told Paddock had an escape plan. How could he have ever imagined that he might be able to escape? Did he have some help? Or was he supposed to have help but it fell through?

Why did he stop shooting after ten minutes if he had so many guns and so much ammunition?

Why did he stop shooting yet make no attempt to escape?

And what’s the deal with Jesus Campos? Why did he leave the country immediately after the attack? Why did he refuse to do interviews with any news outlets until suddenly appearing on Ellen, of all places?

And do we know for sure that Paddock was the only shooter? Multiple witnesses swore that there were shots coming from more than one location. Were they mistaken?

And here’s a big one: Why haven’t we seen any video footage of Stephen Paddock whatsoever? Paddock carried out his attack in one of the most monitored cities in the world. You can scarcely find a nook or cranny of Las Vegas that isn’t under video surveillance. Yet not even one second of Paddock video has leaked? No video of him carrying the gun-laden bags into the hotel? No video of him checking in? No video of whatever went down between Paddock and Campos? Not even any video of Paddock at one of the many casinos he frequented? We’re told Paddock spent a lot of time in Vegas. There must be literally hundreds of hours of footage of him spread out between dozens of hotels and casinos. None of it has leaked? All of it was confiscated immediately?

That doesn’t make any sense.

None of this makes any sense.

And maybe it never will make sense, because nobody is paying attention anymore.”
…I’m paying attention, but I’m a nobody…. So move along to the next lie, I guess.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:32 PM.
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First and foremost; we need to keep our eyes on Christ through whatever happens.

However, that does not mean that we can’t remain informed about what is happening and do what we can.
Which I am told, we can do that more on the local level.
For example, we have a Christian on City Counsel, that is actually not afraid to speak up when he believes something is wrong. In fact, the mayor scolded him for it, but he is not giving in.

Personally speaking, I like to go to Christian sources first; such as ‘The Sword & The Trowel Podcast’.
However, I appreciate it when other sources like Pettersson and Tucker Carlson and a few others go against the
grain of the secular media and actually speak out against the leftist globalist agenda.

Walsh did a good documentary called ‘What is a Woman?’, that I believe did a good job
at showing how insane the LBGQT++ agenda is.

I do not look at these matters, thinking I am a nobody.
We can effect change, if enough of us make our voices heard.
Some small victories have been made; mainly appealing to the Constitution.
Which by the way, is under attack with the left and globalists who stand against our Constitutions.

The bottom line is, we do not leave our Christianity when we enter the public sphere.
Some believe that our only responsibility is to proclaim the Gospel in the public sphere.
Although I believe that should be the priority. I believe it is clear from Scripture, we should stand up
with the truth on policies like abortion, the family and other areas, such as the WEF globalist agenda.


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In my research, we are way too late in the game, bowing down to the god of science and the state, especially if we need Matt Walsh to tell us what a woman is. But that’s not an inditement on anyone here. It’s just where the world is, led by the unsilent, empowered minority. I don’t think the majority are informed or even care to be. I think there is so much deception and duplicity going on, it’s more important to make sure we know what we know, while assuming those outside the biblical foundation do not and are susceptible to all kinds of lies / and liars.

Until we look at our hijacked systems and institutions, and reveal those rotted roots, starting with evolution as a foundation for all things (even Darwin realized that natural “evolution” was an oxymoron as far as his Origin of the Species) well, anything goes. Nothing naturally evolves and there is no sanctity found in uncreated beings.
The looking to Jesus is the beginning and end of our problems. That IS THE problem. None of these problems lie outside of Him. As we go further away from acknowledging Him (collectively & individually) the world gets more and more messed up. I’m highly skeptical of anything else righting itself.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:00 PM.
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Who said anything about needing Walsh to tell us what a woman is?

That is not even what it was about.
He just set out to show people how insane the agenda of Woke culture is.

He really has not said anything that I am not hearing from the theologians that I follow.
However, even if his motives are not honourable. I still appreciate it when the lies of the
Woke culture are exposed.

One of the books I read recently is Voddie Baucham’s ‘Fault Lines- The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe’.

The book exposes how the Social Justice movement has infiltrated the Church. Making it more like the world than the Church. He names some prominent names in the book that have bit the hook of CRT hook line and sinker.
As you probably know. America is founded upon what is commonly known as the “Judeo-Christian ethic.
This is shown not only in its founding documents; but even in its anthem.

Even non-Christian’s are admitting this; regardless of the fact they say they do not believe in God.
A prominent atheist recently said, that he is against the Woke cancel culture, and it’s anti-free speech and cancel culture.
He understands that it is for his benefit that the Judeo-Christian culture remains intact.

Again, God is in control and as RC Sproul once said: “There is not one rogue molicule in the whole universe.”

Yet, I am finding that some in the Reformed Community think they can just sit back and let God work.
One Christian I know said Christians should not be involved in politics. Sigh…

By the way; on Peterson’s own admission, he was a classic liberal, but finds himself, on the other side of the way the Liberal Party of Canada is now.
He has always been for free speech; which Woke and Trudeau’s Liberals are against. Peterson is also for Traditional Family values.
A friend of mine said recently:”Yesterdays enemies, are todays allies.”


Last edited by Tom; Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:41 PM.
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Matt Walsh is fine, for as far as he goes. I agree that many average citizens are waking up. I support the average citizen standing his ground.

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I guess the take home message for me is beware of the “celebrity.” The more high profile somebody is, the more their warts and weaknesses are exposed. (It doesn’t matter if it’s RC Sproul or Jordan Peterson). That’s just where I’m at. I’m not trying to guilt or shame anyone for not feeling exactly the same. This should not take anything away from our concern over the Marxist madness that’s running rampant.

The whole common grace, natural law, 2KT, Christian nationalism discussions have helped me see the origin of our plight and that’s unbelief, which has been legitimized via the acceptance of Darwinism, naturalism and evolution as the foundation for the secular sphere and rational thought (and even many churches and denominations in our day). I think that area was a bit of a blind spot even for Machen. Evolution basically is the foundation for all kinds of warped thinking and living including LGBTQ, CRT, feminism, sexual promiscuity and every other warped cultural trend not based in reality, morality, (Christian) fidelity, etc.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:04 PM.
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If JP is truly one of them (specifically, a pawn acting on their behalf), what George says applies to him too…

“ there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. …Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests.” - George Carlin

"Do I believe in conspiracies? Nah. Do I believe powerful people would get together and plan certain outcomes? Nah. Do I believe powerful interests would operate outside the law, maybe even kill people? Nah. Do I believe that secret government agencies might feel the need to assassinate a person and cover it up. Nah. I think everything in America is open, clean, and above board, and powerful people always play by the rules." - George Carlin

Why is this the case? Because men are evil! The more powerful the man, the less restrained…

Last edited by Anthony C.; Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:40 PM.
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I do not need to agree with people like Peterson on everything, in order to agree
with him on others.
Especially, when he says some of the very same things on the issues of our day as many
of the pastors and theologians I follow.

Theologians like Voddie Baucham and Tom Ascol annd Sam Waldron and others who are Reformed Baptists.

Most of whom are Amillennials.

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