No offense, but hopefully you and I can talk, for these others here, are killing my brain cells dumbing me down, so I decided not to cater to their flesh anymore, for they have nothing more to offer. You may want to convince a reformed calvin person with many verses but if a person doesn’t want to listen after reading only a few verses then why waste your time? Did the Messiah waste his time in such a way? I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it many more times, people believe what they want to believe. Only the few who love true honest reason will listen to Truth. People choose what they want and if you could force them to choose differently it would not be a true choice to begin with. You might like to “sharpen your sword” by debating other people, I don’t have the energy for such things, but try not to get upset when they don’t listen - these days are as the days of Noah’s time. Noah preached many years but people refused to ‘listen’. That is why the Messiah sometimes started by saying ‘whoever has ears to hear...’<br><br><br>This is the correct line of thinking of man and accuracy in scripture.<br><br><br>It is not correct that a man must have this essential part of him in heaven as well, so you can not go down this line of reasoning. Because all God is asking you to do first and foremost is believe, not just with words, but with your heart to the effect "I have come to the cross as a helpless sinner and receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior". If you can affirmitively believe this, you are saved, and noone can ever take that away from you. This requires no special part in heaven, for you are on earth right now, and that is what matters, and it is from earth that God is asking for you to receive Him, not from heaven. God will take care of the latter after that.<br><br>The reason why Christians will not reject heavenlies is because they are saved. The choice was already made the day they were saved. Think of the movie, The Matrix. Neo asks the Oracle, why am I here? And the Oracle says, You are not here to make a choice, for you have already made the choice, but rather you are here to understand why you made that choice. They do not go back on what they have already decided. Angels, those fallen already made their choice and thus fell, but men of God have no ability to reject God once saved unto eternal life because once that decision is truly made it is so incredible it is not up for negotiation later on. This is what it means to be truly saved.<br><br>Men of God once saved, those that are truly saved, have the life of Christ in them, so to ask me would they then reject that life does not make any sense because it is like asking Christ Himself would He reject Himself? No. We who are saved, are of full cognizance, not robots, but under calvinism you see roboticism because what exists in their realm is men preselected to hell and men preselected to heaven. These men never had free choice to begin with. It was all a farce, a pointless endeavor. God wants to walk with freely choosing beings like Himself. Not to mention the fact that this calvinistic god is cold and mindless.<br><br>There therefore is no delimma, though you long for one in arminians. That free-will does remain in tact when in heaven but you must realize it is a free-will in alignment with God never upsetting God, that is what we are men of God, never to reverse. I know that is hard for you to accept us with free-will, but that is what a free-will that accepts the life of Christ has, is a free-will that is overcome that can as Revelation says for those of the 1st resurrection, we can no longer be "hurt by the second death". Amazing huh! Scripture said it, not me. Well, I said it too.<br><br>I think your problem is you legalize depravity just like you legalize free-will and in these legalizations this is how you create this unsettling belief structure that does not accurately represent mankind, nor does it accurate represent a loving God. My belief which I have received from the Holy Spirit is that you are possessed by the demon of Pentecostalism and are under his chains in this thinking. If you want to change and receive deliverance from this supernatural intrusion into your being read these books which will help open the scriptures up to you for now you are blocked.<br><br><br>Those with a life in Christ have no ability to reject God because we have already made our decision, and that decision is locked forever when we came to Christ. This is a very profound truth but if you want to know the true Christ you will have to accept this basic tenent as well. <br><br>I hope this clarifies what before you saw as inconsistencies were really not inconsistencies at all, and calvinisms attempt to deal with what it perceives as these inconsistencies need not go to the efforts to harden God predetermining folks to hell with no free choice and making man a zombie. These overcompensations result from misunderstanding, that is, forming false initial basic assumptions about the the true nature of God and mankind.<br><br>We Christians (non-calvins) are permanently in Christ because that is what it means to be saved, it is an eternal choice. It is not so readily apparent to yourself this is true because the tares are meshed in with the wheat but a true saved man knows this to be true, and now if you want the truth for your life you too must accept this basic tenant, that comes to us effortlessly not of our own accord, that is that in be saved, it is Once Saved Always Saved. This is arminianism.<br><br>Bottom line: reformed calvinism is a cult based on killing free-will and obsessed over it. This is a rationalization of a lie. It is not correct Biblical Psychology. Man is not totally deprave, though man is utterly corrupt. When you can see this difference you will be delivered from the cult of reformation. By the way The Sardis church which in history is the reformation and revival period of Martin Luther was a dead church, false revival after false revival. It was not until around 1828 we saw the working of th Philidelphia church truly preserving the Word of God. today we are in the church period of Laodecia which means "differing opinions". Obviously consider bizarre idealogies of pentecostalism and reformed calvinism.<br><br>This is the very narrow path and narrow gate<br><br><br><br><br><br>

Last edited by waronthesaints; Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:18 AM.