This might be a rehash, but maybe not in the specific questions.
Wouldn't the Reformed Baptist view of Covenant theology be vastly different from the Reformed? How far and how close are the two camps when it comes to viewing the OT?
Which means basically there are no Reformed Baptists, Calvinistic Baptist yes, but not Reformed.
John Chaney
"having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith . . ."Colossians 2:7
Hey I just read a book recently that infered that the only true Refromed are the Reformed Baptist.
Do not try to get me to tell you that I just read Malone's book, I want to keep it a secret.
Seriously, how about Covenant Baptist, would that name be ok. (You know--Cov as opposed to Disp) <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/broke.gif" alt="" />
This issue has been covered several times here. Malone's book has also been shown to be slightly incorrect in certain issues. Perhaps these threads could help shed light on the situation:
What is Credible Profession Covers part of the problem with what to accept as a credible profession and how we cannot know who is elect and use this as a requirement for baptism.
Who departed Covered the historical dilemma for all baptists; there are none until the 1600's and the early church was paedobaptistic.
Household Baptisms Covers the problem of the meaning of household when applying it to baptism.