Originally Posted by Robin
I was warned very early on after my conversion to stay far away from "those cold-hearted, head-knowledge-only Calvinists" even though I had never met one as far as I knew, and I had no idea what they believe.

Confronted with scriptures like Ephesians 2 and Romans 8 and 9 (and a host of others that kept popping up until it seemed like I was seeing these truths on every single page of Scripture), I had no choice but to acknowledge God as completely sovereign in absolutely all things - governing not only all His creatures, but all their actions as well (Acts 2:23 is an amazing example of this - murder is against God's moral Law, and yet He planned the murder of His own Son, using evil men to carry it out, before the worlds were even created!). I found the idea quite comforting, for my life seemed so out of control at that time, it was good to know that I was not simply at the mercy of circumstances.

But when I shared what I was learning with others, I was stunned by their reaction. Several reacted with horror and extreme offense. "That's Calvinism!" they shouted, recoiling as if threatened by a hissing snake. I was as surprised to find that these truths had a name as my friends were to find a (unknowing) Calvinist among them! I didn't know what Calvinism was - only that it was "some anti-evangelical heresy that turns people cold inside." I wasn't turning cold, though. I found the fact of God's sovereignty and grace to be very liberating and joyful. It completely changed my attitude to one of restful trust in Christ rather than fearful, uncertain hope in my own ability to "attain" God's approval.

Why are these ideas so horrifying and offensive to people? Because if God is sovereign, then it necessarily follows that Man is not. The very idea of Man's depravity and slavery to sin and death is offensive to people who imagine that they "choose" Christ out of some snippet of their own righteousness which was unaffected by the Fall, by the world, by the flesh, by the devil. Complete dependence only on Christ alone requires true humility. Prideful people - even those who claim to be "Spirit-filled, Spirit-led and specially Spirit-gifted" - would rather believe that salvation is some sort of "equal partnership" between themselves and God, rather than admit that without Him they are dead even while they breathe.

It was shocking to be asked to leave the church if I would not repent of my "heresy."

And frankly, I find my former church's semi-Pelagian offensive! Because it exalts Man and reduces God! It treats God and sinners as equals! It paints a picture of God as a frustrated deity who paces heaven's floors, wringing his hands and hoping someone on Earth will let him have his way. It twists the offer of salvation into some bargain which suggests that the sinner is doing God a favor by accepting Christ. Now that should be offensive to anyone who believes in the God of the Bible!

Predestined to be an Arminian, but chose to become a Calvinist,

