If you thought the transcript was good to read, you should have seen the actual interview. I thought Depak, the New Age, Hindu guru was going to ask John out into the parking lot. As soon as John said, with emphatic certainty, that Jesus Christ was the only means of true salvation, and that anyone not trusting in Christ by faith alone is condemned to hell, it was if someone had thrown a live squirrl in amongst a room full of German Shepherds. The Depak fellow was aggitated pretty much for the remainder of the interview. <br><br>You can pray for John and his relationship with Larry. For some reason Larry has taken a shine to John, and anytime he has a religious oriented subject, he invites John to participate. Apparently, there are two fellows who are assistants to Larry, and both of them are born-again, Bible believing Christians. Usually, in Hollywood, saying you are Christian means you are semi-conservative and attend some local charismatic, seeker sensitive church on occasion. The gauge of orthodoxy is whether or not the person likes John or RC Sproul. These guys are of the latter group. From what I understand, they gave Larry a MacArthur study Bible, and Larry loves it. So who knows, maybe God is drawing the old guy to salvation. That would be a hoot wouldn't it? <br><br>Fred

"Ah, sitting - the great leveler of men. From the mightest of pharaohs to the lowest of peasants, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" M. Burns