I can understand your concern, but now that I have watched John's interviews on Larry King several times over, I don't really see him ignoring the OT like you point out. In fact, on several occasions, when John was challeneged as to his authority, he says it is the Bible, in its totality. I can think of one instance, when Larry point blank asks John which Bible is God's word, and John stated with clarity "The Holy Bible of the Old and New Testaments." It could be also that the various discussions center around the authority of Christ, and of course, we must appeal to the NT specifically. <br><br>If I see John sometime, and think about it, I will try to remember to mention to him your thoughts (which I think are valid, by the way), but I can assure you heart that his intentions in taking up these Larry King interviews is for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. He told us yesterday on Sunday that he has two goals when he goes on Larry's show: To uphold the absolute authority of the Holy Scripture, and to preach the exclusive, saving work of Christ. And, just on an interesting footnote. John was saying how Depak Chaopra makes a big deal about being at peace and unity with everyone when he is on the camera, but during the commercial breaks, when the public does not see him, can take on an aire of pugnaciousness and arrogance. It is remarkable how a person's character displays the true nature of the heart. <br><br>Fred

"Ah, sitting - the great leveler of men. From the mightest of pharaohs to the lowest of peasants, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" M. Burns