Raised "Dispie" and Charismatic, I always assumed that all Christians had the same eschatology and that it was essential. In college learning history, though, I found out how very wrong I had been, and how very amazingly Christ's Olivet prophecy was fulfilled in the next 40 years following His ascension!

My change of eschatology (from Dispie premill to Amil) forced a change from Pentecostalism to Puritanism as well.

And for a time, like all newly Reformed perhaps, eschatology remained essential in my eyes. It defines the role and duration of the Charismatic signs, but also the very nature of the Kingdom. While I can accept as brethren those who hold to some forms of historic premillennialism and postmillennialism, it seems to be that old-style Dispensationalists worship a different god! One whose plans failed and who had to come up with not one, but up to seven (depending on the "brand" of dispensationalism) new "plans of salvation" before he found one that works. Their god has two distinct "peoples of God," each with it's own separate plan of salvation! It's very hard to accept believers in that god as brethren who worship the Almighty God of the scriptures, Who has always had one single people with one single path of salvation - by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to His glory alone.