I think I've brought this subject up here in the past, but the issue of doubt is a recurring struggle in my walk with Christ. I'm really beginning to wonder what the deal is. With me, doubting occurs most as I'm reading the Scriptures. Questions such as, "Is all of this true?" "Is Christ really who He says He is?" Then there are times when I'm fine when reading...I don't know, it's just so frustrating at times to know that I believe, know the work of God in my heart yet still have some times of intense doubt. As I've asked before, is this normal, and could it be possible that I'll always have this struggle?

I continually ask the Lord to strengthen my faith and establish my heart in His truth but the struggle still persists. As I'm continually in prayer about going into ministry some time in the future I wonder if doubt will be still be my "thorn". If so, would it still be possible to be an effective minister of the Lord? Do you think that there are men and women of God today that are effective and still struggle with doubt? Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated. I would also appreciate your prayers in regards to this issue. Thanks.

"-that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection..."