Just to state emphatically, "It is ALL true" and "Christ really is who He says He is," however He desires us to know this (Him) in a deeper and ever widening way and thus sometimes doubts will occur to drive you to yet a deeper more intimate relationship with the LORD.

Maybe this struggle is an answer to prayer in some ways. I continue to pray that I would know the person, power and ministry of Christ in a more intimate way. If doubting in some way is drawing me deeper then so be it. At least I'll know then that this is the work of God and His purpose will not be thwarted and His method unquestioned. All I know is that THE last thing I want to do is to doubt so much that it would make me wander from the truth...God Forbid! Nonetheless, fear is present...the fear that my doubting will result in nothing good. Does that make sense? (I always feel like I'm rambling)

On another note...I just finished meeting with my Asst. Pastor and our discussion just happened to come to the topic of doubt and unbelief without my mentioning it, and I very much intended to mention it. I was truly blessed in our conversation as we talked about the mind and how asking the questions how and why can be positive and in some cases negative, how God is able to deal with and answer our questions, and the fact that there may not be an answer as to why I deal with this on a continual basis. As we've been meeting our prayer has been that the Lord would be present in our time together and He showed himself today by the direction of our conversation...again it was a blessing and very refreshing.

Thanks again for your response and thank you for your continued prayers and in all of this may God be glorified.

"-that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection..."