Originally Posted by Tom

My memory is failing me. What is the main difference between the view held by John Gerstner and his protégé R.C. Sproul, Sr.

Gerstner was an Edwardian on this matter as I also am. The infamous statement of Edwards' view of children, paraphrased, was "Little vipers in diapers". In short, unless children, are regenerated, repent and believe on Christ with a saving faith, they shall perish. Sproul, on the other hand, held to a mild form of presumptive regeneration. I have a video discussion between Sproul and Gerstner on this subject and it is clear they were not in 100% agreement. You know my position on this, or you should. ALL children are in dire need of salvation and thus the most important thing anyone, especially parents can and must do is make known the Gospel to them and pray that God would draw them to Christ by the Spirit's work; convicting them of their sin/sinfulness, of their absolute need of Christ's perfect righteousness, and the judgment to come. Baptism is OBJECTIVE and not as many/most view it as SUBJECTIVE, i.e., it is outward sign of one's inward reality, which taken to it's logical conclusion... all who are baptized are saved. nope grin

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simul iustus et peccator

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