In reply to:
[color:"blue"]But would you WORK with these same people in a soup kitchen to feed the poor and to be a witness, [color:red]a missionary, an evangelist to both the JWs and these others?


Personally, I would do most everything with unbelievers or those of different religions or theologies, EXCEPT the two items, which I believe are one, which I have highlighted in [color:red]red. For example, I would find it impossible to "team teach/evangelize" with an Arminian, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, etc., because we have a decidedly different Gospel. In fact, these people would actually be an "object" of my evangelism efforts and not co-evangelists. While it seems apparent that Howard and Gerry make a very broad distinction between "secular" and "sacred", which I find no biblical warrant. I must draw the line when it comes to the proclamation and teaching of the truth. Because of the vast differences between the doctrines of grace and all the other "varieties" of theology which can be reduced to synergism, joining with anyone other than someone who holds to the historic doctrines of the Reformation would be nothing less than adding a "leaven" to the lump.

In His Grace,

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simul iustus et peccator

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