Howard,<br><br>Please forgive me for not responding to your reply sooner. I've been away from home for a long weekend and thus away from my computer. I just returned..... [img]" alt="flee" title="flee[/img]<br><br>Let me be very plain in my reply to you so that you can understand what I think those who've been motivated to write and sign the ECT statement were trying to accomplish. In my opinion Packer and the others who have signed this document think we should have further discussions regarding mutual concerns without compromising what's been accomplished through the Reformation. I think the document addresses your concerns quite clearly without suggesting buying into Roman Catholicism. <br><br>To answer your question I'd like to use the example Pilgrim has brought into this discussion namely abortion rights. I referred to your protectionist mentality because you are unwilling to even stand side by side with someone who agrees with you about not killing babies because you're afraid someone will think you've compromised what you believe if the other person is not Reformed. I want you to know that I would even be willing to stand side by side with a pagan who believes killing babies is wrong to try to defend the lives of the unborn. I don't think it needs to be a religious thing at all! Most civilized people who believe killing is wrong can agree with each other on this without even getting into religions discussions. [Linked Image]<br><br>The fact that you won't participate with someone who doesn't embrace your beliefs says a lot about you. [Linked Image]<br><br><br>Wes

When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. - Isaac Watts