Thanks for your reply but I believe 1 Cor.1:12-13 is very clear. In order to belong to Paul, he would have had to die for you and you would have to be baptized into his name. Were you? now comes Jesus. Did Jesus die for you? were you baptized into his name/ Yes, so I belong to Jesus. That is the argument Paul is making, so Paul made a non-biblical statement? So who is right? You or Paul?

Who says baptism has nothing to do with salvation? You make alot of assumptions with no proof. Tell us everytime Baptism and salvation are mentioned together, baptism comes first? I guess Jesus was mistaken in Mark 16;16. I guess God doesn't remove the sins of the flesh in baptism even though Col2 says he does. I guess Peter was wrong in Acts 2:38. I guess Peter was wrong when he said Baptism saves say baptism does not save you. Whom should I believe?

when did remission of sins in Jesus name begin? What were they told? Who commanded baptism, Jesus or man? Is baptism a command of Jesus? Can I love jesus and not be baptized?

Philip and the Eunch and again alot of assumptions. He could have? Tell us, was this baptism in the name of Jesus? Find baptism in his name in the OT. You have alot of could/shoulds but know proof.When you look at the other conversions in Acts, it leaves no doubt what was done. Look at Acts 2:38, look at Acts 10:47-48, Conversion of Paul and so on. Tell us was Peter wrong in Acts 2:38 when they asked what they had to do? When you look at these examples, your shoulda/couldas go out the window.

To sum it up, I see alot of assumptions with no scriptures. Please give us verses that talk about baptism that prove your point. Lastly,there are two times in Acts with HS baptism. Acts 2 and Acts 10. In both cases it had nothing to do with forgiveness of sins or salvation. I will talk more about this later. Have a great night and I look forward to scriptures to prove your points, so far you are lacking....