Originally Posted by BIGD
I guess the bottom line is that you don't like Pauls argument. I believe it is pretty simple.If you and the other 99%, which expains alot, can read 1 Cor. and can't see something so simple, then believe what you want. I can see why you don't like what Paul is saying, but Paul did a great job.
Your sarcasm is really unacceptable. Being a "Lone Ranger" is a hard way to go, ain't it? rolleyes2

Actually, I love Paul's argument and ALL of Scripture. What I don't like is your twisting of it which results in a synergistic salvation, which is unbiblical and a damnable heresy; a heresy condemned by the true Church throughout its history. If that is what you want to believe, then so be it.

Originally Posted by BIGD
I guess since there are two things mentioned about "belonging" to Christ, you don't accept the first one either? That he had to die for you? Is that "unbilical" to?

Originally Posted by BIGD
I believe what Jesus said, "he that believes and is baptized shall be saved..." how about you?
I not only believe what Jesus said, but I also believe what he MEANT! How about you?

Originally Posted by BIGD
So, one last time, and I do mean last.
Promises, promises. igiveup

Originally Posted by BIGD
The bottom line is that I believe that Christ had to die for me and I had to be baptized into his name to belong to Jesus and you don't. You think that is unbiblical. Can we agree on that?
Iteration seems to be of necessity when communicating with you, eh? I do not hold that baptism is necessary for salvation because the Bible cannot contradict itself, which teaches in myriad places that justification is by faith ALONE. And yes, repentance is part of that faith... not repentance + faith. They are inseparable. One who is convicted of sin will infallibly repent and believe. And one who believes will de facto be repentant. This is Theology 101 of the Christian Church.

Originally Posted by BIGD
Repenting Faith? what happened to " faith alone?" You know, I don't see that in this context....what verse was that? Trying to make it fit?
So it is not faith alone , it is Faith plus Repentance. Is Repentance found in John 3:16? So much for grace alone/ faith alone/ Jesus alone.
It's called the "Analogy of Faith" (comparing Scripture with Scripture as a WHOLE), which is yet another fundamental principle of biblical hermeneutics. wink

Originally Posted by BIGD
I ask you again. If I refuse to be baptized do I love Jesus or hate him? Can I go to heaven if I refuse to be baptized?

Originally Posted by BIGD
I am still waiting on grace alone/ faith alone/ Jesus alone. Haven't seen the scriptures yet......oh almost forgot, we have to throw repentance in there. so much for faith alone....
- Justification is by Grace Alone
- Justification by Faith Alone: The Relationship of Faith to Justification
- Justification of Faith Alone: The Nature of Justifying Faith
- The Cambridge Declaration
- Of Justification
- Of Repentance Unto Life

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simul iustus et peccator

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