I just want you to understanding I am not mocking with the word of God, I just think you are reading more into it than the word reveals. The Bible is dealing with first generation believers. Faith was the inner working of the spirit while baptism was the sign and symbol of the greater spiritual reality. As the time went on children of believers were born into a covenant of grace.

So in the Bible you are seeing examples of the first believers confessing Jesus with their mouths and being baptized as a sign and seal of the promise of grace.

But I don't think the Bible is clear that you have to be an adult professor to be baptized in the name of Jesus...we are now in the covenant of grace and are children of the promise. The Bible is not so specific about children who are born and raised in the covenant of grace.

The Bible never exactly says you must be an adult to believe (have faith) and immediately be baptized. And this should happen at such and such age, etc. The Bible is not as precise on these matters as you would like it to be. I believe you have to read these verses in context to what was happening at the time and not try to set up such a precise standard because you are setting yourself up as a judge of others.

Can you be saved without being baptized? Did it occur in scriptures? Do you believe there are circumstances that it can happen today?

The mercy of God is necessary not only when a person repents, but even to lead him to repent, Augustine