Originally Posted by BIGD
Still waiting for faith only. I see where Abraham believed, but it doesn't say faith only. Romans 3:27 talks about the "Law of faith" and that no boasting is found in that law. Baptism is part of the law of faith. Col2 and Gal3:26-27.
Methinks you will be waiting for a proof acceptable to YOU for a lifetime should the Lord not open your eyes to this fundamental and most necessary truth. Paul's words are crystal clear to those who have been given to see. His point, which he labors to make in the first 3 chapters of Galatians is that faith ALONE, not faith + xxxx is the means of justification. Further, he specifically mentions 'circumcision', which some of the Jews were demanding be added to faith for salvation. But Abraham was justified (saved) when "he believed God and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness"; the very definition of justification... and thereafter he received the covenantal sign of circumcision. Thus, Paul concludes that believing Gentiles (uncircumcised) are saved no less than believing Jews (circumcised). The sign of the covenant thus has no part of salvation. Then in Colossians, Paul shows that circumcision, the pre-Messianic covenantal sign has been replaced by baptism, the post-Messianic sign of the new covenant (Col 2:12,13). Are we to believe that Paul changed his mind in this regard so that one is not justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone?

And, for the last time and a public warning... Your sarcasm and rudeness is unacceptable and will not be tolerated on this board. scold Should you choose to continue expressing yourself in this manner, disciplinary action will be administered. The Board Rules are clear enough.

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simul iustus et peccator

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