Hi everyone,

This is my first post here but this thread caught my eye as I was looking around after having read a most excellent article on this site about the Sovereign Election of God.

I don't attend organized church. I don't go to a building on Sundays, sit there for a couple of hours, and watch one man exercising his gifting in front of hundreds of the rest of us who must sit mute as spectators.

There is something very wrong with organized Church today. It is nothing like New Testament Church was.

I say all that even though I am an absolutely committed Christian who loves the Lord.

And no I am not rebellious to authority, having an independent spirit, or otherwise. I want to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ but I just don't fit into the square hole that organized Churches would have me fit into.

May I suggest that the important thing is NOT going to Church (as if we can go to something the Lord never meant to be a place) but rather that we Christians BE the Church? Wherever we happen to be?

Just my thoughts if anyone cares to discuss this more.
